It’s because we’re old. I was hit hard with the realization the other day, that I’m not the target audience of this product anymore. Does anyone else have trouble remembering that they’re not a kid? I’m like 30 years old, and I do not identify as an adult
I’m in my 20s and I don’t really feel like an adult (I don’t know how to deal with stuff, how to take care of things), but I also don’t feel like a kid, because things targeted at kids don’t appeal to me and I barely keep up with what they’re up to now (is skibidi toilet still funny?)
I’m 48, I’m not an adult but what the fuck is this shit we’re talking about?
Drinks with drugs (yes, sugar and caffeine are drugs. Fight me) targeted at children.
They put THC in drink form now too :)
That seems counterproductive for an energy drink.
Wait til you hear about Four Loko
Content farma target children. The original doesnt.
It’s all crap targeted at children that came out when you were already well into your teens.
Oh, like the Power Rangers… cool thanks!
I’m only 46 and most of my coworkers are in their early 20s so by the sake of being surrounded by the youths a lot of my time I am also a youths. I also have no idea what those things are either.
The hwat?
Just yell at me to get off your lawn already and go back inside and have your metamucil, grandpa.
Edit: I’m touched that two people stood up for this guy, seeing as I’m about to turn 48 as well (and I’ve been drinking metamucil.)
I started feeling like an adult when I thought of going to a show and realized I would be an old dude and it would be weird. So yeah, adult just kinda happens to you.
Honestly I’m starting to forget what feeling like a kid was like. I’m 30 and yeah I don’t have all the answers and shit, but my teenage years were defined by an internal conflict I resolved in college, my relationship with my parents (one died when I was in college the other disowned me when I was in college), and high school.
My college years were defined by the wild shit my previous sentence said I went through at that time, as well as my studies, financial and housing struggles, and a relationship that ended less than a year after I graduated, and I moved away from my hometown after college.
I’m 30, I’m married, I’ve continued growing as a person my whole life and have no intent to stop now, my financial struggles are those of an adult of my generation with a decent career. I don’t really have any of the same problems I had as a kid except like my health and disability issues. Sometimes I have traumatic flashbacks to my teenage years but I haven’t had one in years. My interests have even matured. Sure I still don’t have all the answers, but anyone who says they do is lying to you and possibly themselves, and they may be trying to take advantage of you. I’m not a kid pretending to be an adult, I’m a person, and it turns out kids are too.
I started feeling like an adult when I was 28.
It was so freeing when I escaped that at 35.
I literally am a kid (for a few months anyway) and I don’t feel like I’m the target audience either.
I’m a “kid” and often have much more boomer opinions than actual “boomers”
What are those even?
A bunch of food and drink brands spun up by influencer personalities as merchandising.
Ah, so not amazon prime?
i mean you can order Prime using Prime, but Prime is not Prime.
Roger, Roger.
If your Prime has ads, you might see an ad for Prime and you could use Prime to order Prime because of an ad on Prime.
Pretty sure the prime drink is owned by amazon.
Worse, Logan Paul. There’s a silver lining though, they’re currently fending lawsuits over PFAS contamination and way too much caffeine.
lol Logan Paul wins some kind of award for being one of the few entities on the planet worse than Amazon.
I haven’t heard of the pfas lawsuit, man I’m glad the first time I heard about these things was when the caffeine lawsuit started. Apparently the lawsuit is alleging high levels of 8 different pfas compounds.
Prime drink? Is that like a verification can
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I think they’re some of them pokey-mans or beyblades that the kids all go crazy for nowadays.
**bae-blades <3
Not going to lie I’ve bought Prime recently… But only because the energy drinks are 4 for £1 at a local shop.
Sure it tastes like the sugar monster came in my mouth, but what a bargain!
Would have been cheaper drinking tap water, and not tasting the sugar monster spunk in your mouth.
Does tap water have caffeine now?
Almost certainly in trace amounts. Cocaine and semen too.
Should sell it as homeopathic.
That is already what homeopaths do.
What if that’s what you’re into
Life your best life and hope you don’t have cardiac issues
How do you think I’m saving money? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Same. First time trying because they were insanely cheap. They’re also disgusting. Way too much fake sugar.
I got some for free because my brother found a store that actually imports them (they aren’t available in regular supermarkets) and bought some.
Tastes like a generic sugar-free drink, I’d just go with a regular energy drink since it tastes better
I’m trying to understand what the last two streaming services are.
I guess that’s even worse.
Not knowing is a sign of a healthy mind. You will sleep even better than Mr. Simpson in the meme.
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I had a feastables given to me and I can honestly say it was not the best chocolate bar I’ve ever had. It was pretty average.
Yup. My kids wanted to try it, so I had one too. Seemed like dollar store candy.
I worked at one those “we’ll make you custom chocolates and candies with your branding on them” candy factories in college and it was about on the same level. Not bad but not worthy of “the best in the world”.
On a side note, the micromints were the best product but worst to make. Absolutely covered in powdered sugar walking home in humid summer weather suuuucked. They really should have given me a smock to wear instead of me being in my street clothes.
They really should have given me a smock to wear instead of me being in my street clothes.
They should have for hygienic reasons, not even for your own comfort. Hell, I only did IT for places like that and they made me gown up and shit just to go onto the factory floors, and I wasn’t even working on anything even touching the machinery. Just entering the area was enough to make me have to gown up.
Ya, apparently a hairnet and gloves were enough even though other employees were in full smocks and aprons. It was weird.
It’s better to eat real food.
What those names make me remember:
Almost pizza , haha
I tried Prime a few times. Saw it at the gas station and figured I’d give it a try since I was going to grab a Bodyarmor. Very strong flavor. For me, really seemed to straddle the line between good and meh. Tried the energy drink once, terrible.
Then I learned that dip shit was behind it. Haven’t bought it since.
Ahh. Not the Amazon version.
Prime drink with next day Prime shipping on Prime day. What did I just type.
Sounds like someone is getting primed…
Prime is throughally mid, interchangeable, forgettable drink that is carried by its influencers.
I thought they meant amazon prime. I might be slightly out of touch. (Idk what lunchly is either)
Is that like rebranded lunchables
Yeah it was. Not sure if it is still being made since the person behind it is in trouble with the FBI over (iirc) the product not being sealed properly which caused mold etc. and breaks laws.
Yeah, it’s lunchables that are supposed to be “healthier” because they have the prime drink in it. (It’s got electrolytes! eg, salt)
It’s a knockoff version. The secret ingredient is mold.
I only knew about Prime drink because they claimed to not be selling in Canada in defence to having over the legal limit of caffeine
They said all the retailers were smuggling them in from the US because of how popular it is
Probably getting the out of date unsold stock from Dollar Tree.
Possibly at first but now there’s a Canadian formulation, I see it at Giant Tiger and Circle K and there’s the official Health Canada warning label on them.
It was an obvious lie, there was no way the big grocers were smuggling them in at such scale
It tastes exactly like liquid jello. One of the worst things I’ve ever tasted. Definitely not forgettable.
Sounds like Booty Sweat energy drinks and Busta Nut bars, which apparently were actual things in relation to promoting Tropic Thunder.
This is an advertisement.
I tried a Prime once and it was fucking nasty. I had literally 2 sips and threw the rest away
This is the “I don’t have an elementary school aged child post”
I haven’t even heard of Feastables or Lunchly until this meme.
The ghouls behind these things are definitely putting lead in kids to make the next generation good consumers.
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