Such is the price for a popular top-level comment. I suffer so that those who must always be the contrarian can satisfy their unrelenting urges. Today, it is my internet cross to bear.
Such is the price for a popular top-level comment. I suffer so that those who must always be the contrarian can satisfy their unrelenting urges. Today, it is my internet cross to bear.
My post was in no way attacking OP. I was just soapboxing about food delivery services that charge insane fees for something which, in my opinion, is mostly useless.
I fully admit I’m being judgmental. And people are free to disagree with me.
I do, all the time.
My point was that most people are able to procure their own food without paying exorbitant fees for it; in their case, I consider it lazy and wasteful. That’s also my opinion, and people are free to apply their own judgement.
Nothing wrong with it rarely or if you’re disabled, but paying $30 for McDonald’s or whatever on a regular basis is insane
I figured out how to get my food with NO delivery fee: I get off my fat ass and get it myself. Novel approach, I know.
And then there are posts complaining about the posts
“Trump will fix this!” No, no he won’t.
Anytime I try to use my phone or any app, it won’t work and just pisses me off.
Oh, like the Power Rangers… cool thanks!
I’m 48, I’m not an adult but what the fuck is this shit we’re talking about?
Tell me you take small dumps without telling me you take small dumps
This is the reason he won again. The “press” makes so much more money when they have tabloid fodder and reality tv drama. Remember how boring it was when the adults were running things in the first 2 years before campaign “season” started again? It was so nice.
Everything else aside, you need to clean your washing machine. Cloths shouldn’t be smelling like mildew after less than a day in it.
A bit of exaggeration to make a point. :)
Modern washing machines are also pretty quiet.
Not when they’re a room away from the master bedroom. Having it start up in the middle of the night would be either annoying, terrifying, or both.
Ah yes, please fire up the washing machine at 3am and scare the fuck out of everybody. And then let the clothes sit in there wet so that when you wake up, they smell like mildew
It’s probably just a sticker they put over the word “smart”
He should have participated in an insurrection, he would have been pardoned.