Hey now, those poor businesses need to make up for their profit situation! Even though they have all made record profits year after year… After year…
We will be in a recession once they decide it’s time for one.
Hey now, those poor businesses need to make up for their profit situation! Even though they have all made record profits year after year… After year…
We will be in a recession once they decide it’s time for one.
To think, we all thought that email for a free cup holder, which opened the disc tray, was a joke… If only we knew…
I think about this from time to time, how it was normal to take 5-10 minutes for a computer to boot up at one point in time. Now my PC is up in seconds, and that’s from a cold start.
How do you think I’m saving money? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Not going to lie I’ve bought Prime recently… But only because the energy drinks are 4 for £1 at a local shop.
Sure it tastes like the sugar monster came in my mouth, but what a bargain!
I just wish social media wasn’t focused on so much, when it comes to politicians and other high figures.
They should be posting statements of value on official websites and the like, yet instead a blimmin’ tweet is the highlight of discussion time and time again. Why should I care? I’m not here to be friends with them.
Their fault. I remember a time when publishers allowed for people to run their own dedicated servers, for FPS at least. They could have modified that existing model, but instead they took that ability away from the user whilst almost simultaneously making excuses about the problem they created.
If their servers can’t run forever, give us dedicated servers on a larger scale FFS!
I do feel bad about the younger generations of today. It seems like every part of their life is recorded or streamed now. I’m not sure how comfortable I would have been with that, when I was their age.
Because I need to keep temps low for my erm, indoor garden, the room gets really cold.
However if I open up Call of Duty my legs remain nice and toasty.
They may have gotten the batteries from a shop.
I mean, in all fairness I sure do hope I have a bigger penis than my sister.
We have processed boobs now too?! First they went for our chicken nuggets, and we didn’t take notice…
Like many other shows, this one was a product of its time and wouldn’t work today.
Talking, intelligent car decades ago? “Oh wow! Futuristic!”
Talking car today: “hey Google, play Tiptoe Through The Tulips on 120% volume”
Not too long ago I had bought a power bank, for a holiday, and since returning I’ve found myself occasionally using it when I’ve done something a bit worse than this: I’ve been so tired before bed, I’ve forgotten to even plug my phone in!
I think I’ve used the power bank, after waking up, more at home than on holiday.
Google. Hey Google. Is this thing why is this thing typing? Fuck. No don’t say that. Backspace. Google backspace. How do I turn this off? What was that? I told you not to use that door the hinges are loose I’ll get to it I gotta play call of duty first. No I can’t pause it. Is this thing still picking up my voice? Oh for fuck sake
This is why I always get my news via casual meme scrolling.
Hmm, surgery to remove a part of my large intestine… Or have a spliff. Difficult decision, however for now I’m much preferring the latter.
Edit: sorry, I’m high. I forgot which condition I was talking about (I have a few). I’d still rather get high tbh.
Be sure to get things checked anyway.
I had extreme back pains for ages, and the only thing that helped was smoking a lot of weed. Got rid of most of the pains, however many years later it was discovered that I had twisted discs in my spine, and the weed was masking the severity due to the pain relief!
So now I have a diagnosed bad back and I smoke a lot of weed on prescription. So… Nothing has really changed but… I mean…
I forgot where I was going with this. See a doctor! It won- I mean, it sometimes doesn’t waste time. Erm.
I remember back before I got my own PC. My brother had Windows 98, installed Morpheus (similar to Kazaa).
I looked for a game, I think it was some console game. “Wow, I didn’t even know this was on PC! Wow, it’s only 15MB, how did they get the game so small?? Computers are cool!”
Every time I ran it, the screen would go all funky with every click and after a while return to normal.
On a separate occasion I deleted System32 files (whichever ones it let me at the time), to free up space.
It’s quite funny that a lot of people ask me for various advice, fixing devices, PCs, etc. just a friendly reminder to myself that everyone starts somewhere. Boy I messed up so many PCs when I was much younger.