Sometimes I use the tomato as a plate for ketchup so I can dip my fries.
Sometimes I use the tomato as a plate for ketchup so I can dip my fries.
Yes, officer, this one right here.
You also cannot make the sound with your voice. Stop trying. There are overlapping sounds that you can’t reproduce no matter how much “vvwaoshooowoahewaoushroooommmm” you do.
What those names make me remember:
Touch screens have no business in dashboards. I don’t care how sleek it looks to replace all the physical buttons. You have to look at a touch screen to use it. That alone makes them entirely unfit for the purpose. Physical buttons that can be identified by touch and provide tactile feedback are the only interfaces that make any fucking sense at all.
This fees like something so obvious that I cannot understand how we got here.
Lot’s of websites exist. How did they do it before invasive ads and tracking?
I don’t demand anything, but I’m not responsible for making sure anyone else makes money. Sell it, give it away, or don’t. Don’t beg me to allow third parties to infect my devices just because they paid you to ask me.
The string section is responsible for slicing the sandwiches into finger-sized snacks so that the floutists and other woodwinds may also join in the honkwich fun. Simply slide the honkwich between the fingerboard and the strings and then press down.
And to add another point, people en masse are followers. They vote the way they are told. At some point, progressives got the idea that it is impolite to tell people how to vote. That means the loudest voices are the most impolite. That’s a breeding ground for fascists and charletains. Speak up, challenge stupidity and lies, and make bigots feel bad again.
I still visit reddit occasionally but I haven’t logged in since they began requiring a phone number. It really is all bots and garbage now. It makes me sad for the old days, like seeing an aging actor who has had too much plastic surgery and looks like a plastic cartoon version of their younger self.
I tried that one year, and it just came off like a creeper.
“Homage” is the word the creators would have used.
“It’s my retirement plan.” Man I feel this.
I don’t consent to being a participant in your kink.
Your call is very important to us. Please hold and it will be answered as soon as we figure out what the fuck to say to this.
I’m glad you asked! That’s the fun bit. The sauce, called shōyu in Japanese, became popular among westerners and they called it “soy sauce.” When those westerners traveled to Japan and were shown the beans, they called them “soy beans” because they were used to make the sauce.
Soy beans are named after soy sauce, which isn’t what you asked but it’s a fact I recently learned that surprised me.
That’s what I mean, we don’t know. Could be a lot of things. Seems premeditated, like he was specifically targeted, so it doesn’t seem like a random crazy person or a mugging, but other than that, we don’t have any idea why he was killed or who the murderer is.
He prefers the altar boys eat it everyday.