Demolition derby, as a fundraiser for abortions and transgender medical care.
Demolition derby, as a fundraiser for abortions and transgender medical care.
Yeah - there are a shit ton of Joker’s epic boners.
Also a lot of funny stuff with Superman and Jimmy Olsen. The Bronze Age is… something.
They get handed locked down chromebooks or iPads at schools. They’re only really exposed to a walled garden, and they also aren’t explicitly taught a lot of concepts that need to be taught (almost all MS/HS I’ve met have passwords which are just sliding their finger across the keyboard - it’s bewildering. I teach “correct horse battery staple.”)
You can’t learn much if you can’t install your own software. Learning is breaking things though, and most schools seem allergic to hiring competent tech teams/setting up sandboxed computer labs. Security concerns are huge - eg, if your kids school uses PowerSchool they probably got hacked this year - but when your teaching physics and can’t install MathLab or whatever…
There are still the little geeks that figure out how to get video game emulators going - Pokémon Emerald is probably more popular among middle schoolers today than it was in 2005.
You’re correct - my mistake.
Kanye has been charged with raping an assistant at a Diddy party. I have no doubts he is also a serial rapist.
He also recently made his wife (like, on video she’s clearly uncomfortable) basically show up nude to an award show. It’s really gross and uncomfortable.
Ye is severely mentally ill, and should have been placed into care five years ago.
No one talks about the follow up to that story, where Onan’s dad Judah is like, “shit! this woman is trouble! I can’t lose my last son!” He basically tells Tamar (the widow) to go back to her dad, blows her off.
Tamar gets sick of it, goes into town, disguises herself as a temple prostitute. Judah comes to town, asks what it costs for a roll in the hay, and she asks for his family’s token so she’ll know he’s good for it.
She ends up pregnant, and the elders of the village bring her before Judah - “hey, your daughter in law was a whore and got knocked up, we are putting her to death.” He says, “who knocked you up?” - she produces the family token. He says “ah shit, you got me.” She has the kid, gets the inheritance. Depending on which gospel, she could be Jesus’s great (x a bunch) grandmother.
Like Genesis outright recognizes what she did as right. She’s the hero of the story.
What exactly do you “understand”? Do you knit? Do you do any sort of fiber art? Sometimes I think an aspect of this conversation is that people don’t understand or respect the complexity of fiber arts. Fast fashion has entirely distorted our understanding of how much complexity is involved in just producing the thread. Wool and flax have to be spun before you can knit or weave with them.
Needlebinding makes more sense in that premodern context where you don’t have modern sheep bred to have nice long staple length and the kind of spinning wheel to get consistent long threads. Needlebinding you usually work with short lengths, felted together.
It’s worked on/off the thumb with a single needle. Tying it to one of the dodecahedron pegs would be dumb.
For weaving, I guess you could use it as a really stupid pin loom.
Which yeah - I don’t think the Romans were stupid. Making a needlessly expensive metal object to do things extra inefficiently… why? The Romans had better ways to make textiles, which we actually have evidence of.
Arguments in history have to be more than “I saw a video of someone on YouTube doing someone cool, so that must be how the world works.”
If you think the idea of “knitting” is itself too complicated to understand - why are you making arguments about textile history? What knowledge or interest do you have of textile history?
There is no evidence of that, and it does not align with the known techniques that Romans used for textile production. It would make zero sense as a tool for weaving, sprang or needlebinding.
I also have strong doubts for finger gloves being anything other than extraordinarily rare. Cmon, Roman clothes are mostly just draping yourself with big ass rectangles.
Like, there’s just nothing there. YouTube grandma did something cute - I’ve been blackout drunk at the science museum knitting shit with pencils - that’s not evidence that pencils are knitting tools. It doesn’t make sense as a textile art tool. The closest might be as a cordage/rope making tool - maaaaybe all of those extra knobs add some kind of tension - but that just doesn’t seem likely either.
It really comes down to - what is your evidence? Why do you think it was a textile art tool for creating mittens?
YouTube grandma was using it as a French/spool knitter. You can do this with four nails in a board if you are really inclined. The problem is that the peg distance determines the size of the tube - not the holes. All faces would make the same size tube, which is just adding pointless bits to make it unpleasant to use (and more expensive/difficult to manufacture.)
What Wikipedia is pointing out is that archeologists for many years did not understand how to distinguish Coptic stitch from knitting. They look very visually similar, but have different physical properties. This did lead to confusion among archeologists - I’ve also seen the fact that other languages don’t distinguish two needle knitting (“true” knitting) from needlebinding techniques (some don’t even seem to have a separate word for crochet, argh…)
I’ve stumbled on some arguments for 8th century examples - but even if we are pushing back the origin date for knitting that far, that still doesn’t put us in Rome (unless we’re counting Byzantium lol). It also does not at all justify the dodecahedron.
Knitting is a medieval development that originated around Egypt in probably 1000-1100 CE (AD). There is no evidence of two needle knitting before then.
Romans used sprang, weaving and needlebinding techniques. They did not knit. Some needlebound artifacts can resemble knitting - particularly those in the Coptic stitch. They are still produced using the thumb and needle method of needlebinding and are structurally different.
The type of knitting that YouTube grandma did on the dodecahedron - spool knitting/French knitting - is an even later development - early modern period - 1400-1500s.
As a spool knitter, the dodecahedron makes very little sense. The spacing of the pegs - not the spacing of the holes - is what determines the size of the created tube. Every face of the dodecahedron would create the same size tube - which means you’ve just got extra random pointless shit digging into your hands. Google and compare to a modern spool knitter.
The idea of making a doohickey for fingered gloves, which you would then need to sew on anyway (every knitters least favorite thing to do) - it’s silly.
Here are some 4th/5th century socks - produced via needlebinding.
Here is the earliest known example of true knitting. 1000 at earliest.
You mentioned that not all socks would survive - that is true, but often textile patterns can be recovered through indentions in other material.
If we had executed all of the traitors after the Civl War, instead of letting them return to their basically untouched power structures, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
There were no consequences for taking up arms against the United States a century and a half ago - why would there be consequences for something like a coup?
Topo Chico is god tier - above Perrier, San Peligrino, etc… It’s just carbonated as fuck. Don’t even need flavor.
Poverty computing takes more balls. Like yeah, you got a nice Plex server and you can play Skyrim at max setting because you can afford a big NAS and a nice graphic card - no skills needed. I’m spending two hours trying to get the Sims to work on a fifteen year old laptop that I don’t think can even run a DE or running Puppy Linux off USB while waiting to afford a new hard drive.
Peter Thiel finds it convenient to not marry his boyfriends. Makes the murder/clean up easier.
You guys are talking like this isn’t fake. This is a joke. There’s a bunch of these, it started with “Blockbuster Nigeria” on Facebook, or at least that’s the first type of account like this I saw. This is not run by a Burger King in Moldova, 90% it’s a 14 year old shitposter in the US.
I put on my hazmat suit to bring you this:
Big part I think depends on the quality of the shrooms themselves. When I grew my own, 1-2 g of dried was about equivalent to a decent 50 mg THC edible experience, with minor visual enhancements. 3-4 g is where I started to get some of those more fun things, experimenting with approaching ego death.
I tend to have very high tolerance for psychedelics though. Half of my lemmy comments have been made under the influence of 100 mg + THC.
I loved raiding the clearance sections. Clearance sections at craft stores are like letting the universe be part of the art makes it fun. It was fun to buy a random off cut of fake fur - and then figure out what to do with it.
Thrift stores are kinda similar. You give up a lot of control of the process for a kind of Jackson Pollock vibe. They are sooo slept on as a source of fabric and yarn (although Goodwill lately has been getting dear on the yarn - like I’m not paying $8 for a couple skeins of random Red Heart). You can get bulk t-shirts, no one really wants that 3XXL church fundraiser/rush shirts/blood donation/etc etc - which can be cut/dyed/resewn/stretched into yarn.
Sometimes you will also strike gold, and never have to worry again. I grabbed a random tote from a Goodwill in Fuckass, Arkansas which had enough cheesy grandma cross stitch projects to last me until the heat death of the universe and an entire fucking bolt of sparkly blue tulle with more square footage than my apartment for less than $15.
It is the kind of thing where you have to enjoy the hunt, and not have an outcome in mind. I guess it’s a lot more time, which is what losing Joann’s/the decline of local hobby shops in general represents.
Dollar Tree oddly often has a lot of fat quarters. Obviously lower quality and only good for small projects, but sometimes winners.
It does really really suck. I will only go into a Hobby Lobby if I can atone with some light vandalism - and even then feels wrong. (It’s like walking into the Stepford Wives - idk like the oxygen composition is different). Michael’s is nice but fabric is not great, yarn is like 60-70% based on the store. (And no MASSIVE GREEN WALL OF YARN 😭😭😭)
Maybe once the economy crashes we can all start our own small fabric stores.