I turned my tab habit into a bookmark habit. Equally useful (ie not very), but far less messy.
Bookmarks are too permanent. Tabs are for things I’m interested in but don’t really care about (and so I’ll probably never get back to). I use different windows for different types of things, so it’s organized. I just have an alias to kill Firefox when I want to game.
Creating and deleting bookmarks is simple. You’re just lazy.
And that’s OK; it’s a victimless as a crime gets. Just own it.
Oh I own it. I don’t have an issue with taking the lower effort option. I also like that they go away easily when I close the window.
yeah IDK how the fuck tabs overtook bookmarks as the way to save websites. i got into the bookmarking before tabs were even a thing. seeing people with 6 year old tabs amongst the thousands makes me dizzy. there’s so so much better of a way…
Especially since tabs can’t be organised as easily as bookmarks can. How will you ever actually find that tab?
This is the way, van even organize into categories. I’ve never understood the appeal of having 400+ tabs open in a browser all the time.
deleted by creator
I tried that for a minute but it didn’t flow for me, now I use an extension (tab stash) that does basically the same thing but ✨prettier✨
Removed by mod
Not a fan of using a school shooter as a meme format
I wouldn’t have known had you not said this. Never saw this image before.
I didn’t know until just now either. I actually assumed this was from that Making a Murderer documentary.
Do you think people use it because they don’t know it’s origin?
yeah, thats kinda not good. i didn’t know what the guy did, i saw a couple of scenes where he tried to plead insanity to get out of his responsibillity. thank you for bringing this up.
I don’t know how it is in the USA but here pleading insanity is not a way to “get out of your responsibility”, it can actually be a risky move because you are at risk of being imprisoned for the rest of your life. While a normal life sentence normally isn’t a life sentence.
Generally people who fake insanity are facing the death penalty instead of a life sentence.
Alright. Then I fully support it. No one deserves to die by the death penalty.
thanks, I never saw it this way. I am not sure that the guy from the video understood it as you explained it to me.
Well he’s not actively shooting so it is ok
I’m the opposite. I’m a compulsive window and tab closer. I say I regret closing a tab or window about 30% of the time.
Ctrl+Shift+T to reopen the tab!
Alright let me do that
Ah dang it I must’ve used that tab to search for something else. Oh well
Ctrl+H to open history then!
Yeah that’s usually my strategy
Also if you Ctrl+Shift+T and then click back in the re-opened tab works too
I tend to find that Ctrl+Q solves the problem immediately
Oh I know. Learned that one years ago. Thanks though!
I learned this in high school since it’s like an Uno reverse card for Crtl+W. They thought they had me but I outsmarted them.
Also in Firefox, when using multi-window + multi-tab browsing, if you close a window without closing all of its tabs, you can press
in a remaining window (of the same Profile) to reopen closed window, which will now have all the tabs that you closed the window with. You can then again pressCtrl+Shift+T
on the reopened window to restore its closed tabs.
how do you do it ?
The little x in the corner
it rids you of any regret ?
It rids you of any regret that’s currently displayed on screen, sure.
Or ctrl+W or if you’re already touching the mouse middle click.
There’s always the history menu.
Bookmarks are more incriminating
Not OP, but it’s learned discipline plus I can pretend I’m better than my way-too-many-tabs-open, loser co-workers.
…I closed 1500 tabs a couple weeks ago…
Each tab must have been one micron wide, how did you even expect to be able to click on a specific one in the future with that many open - wait, I think I’ve answered my own question.
They have a minimum width and then you can scroll
But the minimum width is useless to know what the tab is…
Firefox has a tab search 😁
That’s why you use TreeStyleTabs
You underestimate the sheer volume in my hippocampus dedicated to tracking tabs.
… Kidding, mostly. Because generally tabs are grouped together in a way that makes sense so it’s easy to remember. These 10 tabs are me researching a new tool… A couple tags for articles I will surely get to… Then these 15 tabs are documentation for XYZ… Those 5 tabs are YouTube videos I want to watch… These are three Wikipedia searches that popped in my head and oh look a couple songs I want to listen to before adding them to my playlist.
If I want to find a tab and they are fully minimized then I click on the group with the relevant icon then I Ctrl+Tab through them until I find what I want. Perfectly reasonable.
I swear it makes sense and bookmarks are not an adequate replacement.
Sideberry is a particularly useful extension for this, especially if you have an ultra wide monitor
To be fair, they were spread across 3 windows. 900 tabs on my general window, 400 on my work window, and 200 on my home server window
Yeah, I didn’t really think you had that many tabs open in one window. But it was funny to think someone might have done that. Think how small they’d be!
Vertical tabs. I have a plugin on Firefox that lists tabs vertically and they’re also stacked so tabs opened in a tab get nested in that tab. I can’t remember the name, but I’ll update this comment with it when at my computer if anyone wants it.
Tree style tabs! Best used with css changes to remove the horizontal tab bar and the side menu header
Yeah, that’s the one! Thanks.
Given that monitors tend to be wider than they are high, can’t see how this is a win tbh. Unless you’re going vertical monitor, then it’s the same real estate right?
E: words E2: I reread, if you can find that add-on I’d love to know what it is.
I thought the same when I first heard about it, but I gave it a go anyway. It’s a game changer.
Tree style tabs: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/
I use Firefox Nightly with native vertical tabs :P
what do you mean?
i even have a search bar to search between my own tabs.
Tree style tabs is cool, but sidebery is where it’s fucking at.
Vertical tabs, groups, automatically open certain sites in specific container tabs, pin tabs to the top or unload them.
Everything I could possibly want for tab organization, even down to a fully adjustable css file with a great UI for getting that shit pixel perfect.
I will look at this but I never have more than 4 tabs open so…
What did you even expect I’d use my 50" ultrawide monitor for?
On purpose?!
Isn’t that the school shooter kid that tried to evade prison time on the account of being criminally insane? Idiot faked “hearing voices” and suicidal thoughts and did so badly at that. The whole interview is a cringefest.
What pretending to be crazy looks like, from our favorite channel JCS - Criminal Psychology.
While I believe that video has merit, I’d like to bring attention to münecat’s essay on it (and other “body language” vids), because there is chance Jim’s analysis is not accurate https://youtu.be/Y0VQyEY-B2I
To criticize this critique: The JCS video encourages the watcher to form their own opinion and highlights the farces that that murderer pulled off. The interpretation given in that scene was clearly their own opinion and that was, in fact, communicated even if it was not expressively written in the description. It was merely a commentary on the oddity of the situation.
my brother in christ none of this stuff is a hard science, it’s literally all done by feel.
Exactly. Binged all of their videos, they are actually informative and well-researched. But the topic is not appealing to advertisers, so YouTube had to bully them off the site.
I’m just going to rec some good creators that filled the void.
Matt Orchard probably has the highest quality content. Strong recommendation for him.
Dreading. Seems Intentionally dry but covers the most details of a case. Sometimes posting 4 hours of courtroom footage.
Explore with Us. Probably the most tabloid style presentation and worst editorial takes. They have the longest chunks of police interrogation though. They have alt channels for body cam stuff too which is pretty dope.
Thanks, only knew Explore with Us from this list. I’ll check out the others!
Average Internet user forgetting there’s a bookmark button
Possibly… maybe not the ones from kbin.social though 😢
I love the instance burns on Lemmy. There should be a whole /c for this somewhere. It’s like the yo momma jokes of the fediverse.
did anything happen to kbin?
At the beginning of the year, the main developer, Ernest, was dealing with health issues (without details). The project has not had activity recently because of that, and it is not known much more. We wish him the best tho.
shut up. your not my tab supervisor!
I hate having any more tabs open than I absolutely need. Right now, I have none. I’m probably gonna either fire up a YouTube video or find someone to watch on Twitch here in a minute, at which point I’ll have one tab open. I’m not gonna say exactly how much RAM I have, but I have as much RAM as my motherboard will take, so I can definitely afford to open more than one tab. I just don’t see any reason to, frankly, and it drives me up the wall.
Why so secretive of your ram?
Okay, fine. I have 192 GB of RAM.
You could handle at least 5 chrome tabs with that.
Oh wowwww. Look at mr/mrs bigshot over here with 192 GB of ram.
The machine I had before this had 4 GB, lol. That’s why I put so much of the budget into RAM when I built this one.
I mean, you can never have too much ram.
But if you don’t use it in its entirety, it is kind of useless.
That’s the system’s job. It can cache stuff or whatever.
192GB is way to big to be used as a cache
However, you probably could run some of the huge language models
Emotional support tabs
Why are you calling me out like this? What did I ever do to you?
They do, and I’m tired of pretending I’m not
I closed 2000 tabs today. That leaves me with the extremely small number of 4000 tabs. Yeah I use Firefox sync. 😎
Can’t you just close all of them? Go though and close every one of those suckers.
No way I might need one of those in the next 9 months or so.
You’ll pry my tabs and red stapler out of my cold dead hands.
i’m offended
Yeah, I agree
I didn’t cone here to be personally attacked, jeez!