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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I’ve mostly got experience with Battlefield in that genre but if you’re getting repeatedly killed by “campers” you’re playing the game wrong, aka aiming for KDR instead of PTFO.

    Believe it or not devs are aware of the mechanical advantages of long-range weapons, so in-game objectives are intentionally littered with crates and boxes and walls to provide cover from “camping spots”. The ones getting repeatedly killed are noobs who keep walking around the objective, in the open, because they are scared of all the cover positions which might hide an enemy.

    Well too fucking bad sugarlips, stop being a little bitch and rush in. Better to die clearing out the cover spots for your teammates to capture the objective than to a useless game of skeet that doesn’t generate any benefit for either team. I don’t care that you have a KDR of 1.2 and “you would have gotten more if it wasn’t for the campers”, you captured exactly zero flags and so as far as I’m concerned you’re dead weight.

    … Wow sorry about that, I guess I got post-traumatic gamer rage on this topic lol

  • Having talked to people who were in charge of making some strategic decisions regarding a business messaging application…

    Slack/Discord is “too complex and confusing”. Apparently the pile of unsorted chats, group chats, and meeting chats, are superior to Discord’s threading model.

    Also corpos literally do not notice that teams is slow as molasses which is a big part of the friction. You could show them a perfect demonstration that Teams’ UI is so much slower to react to anything (nevermind load the actual resource) than the competition and that they often have a 1000+ms audio RTT in meetings (not a hyperbole) and the business people would be like “yeah, I guess? Who cares?”

    Corporate types literally can’t understand that bad audio and audio latency costs a huge percentage of revenue in lost productivity because everyone’s constantly talking over each other and simultaneously being too afraid to speak because the audio delay makes it impossible to fit into a lull in the conversation and also everyone is in a competition for the tiniest shittiest mic with the worst noise canceling that somehow stacks on top of Teams’ pretty bad noise cancelation such that their voice is being noise canceled and you’re just left with like 1.2 kHz of actual range and somehow everyone seems fine to spend their entire day listening to that and aaaaaaaaa I have a headache and I want to die

    Then after work you get on a discord call with the mates and everyone is crystal clear with no noticeable latency, even the students on a secondhand 30 € gaming headset.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.world...
    2 months ago

    My Audi typically displays the outdoors temp on the digital dash, which is convenient. Except when there is any warning light on, which takes its place. Want to take a quick glance at the temp? Well right now it’s “low on windshield wiper fluid” degrees outside.

    Also why the fuck does this shitty dash scream at me about warnings when I get in the car but not out. By the time I get home I will have completely forgotten about the windshield wiper. How is “also display reminders after shutting the engine off” not the obvious implementation?

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.worldI want
    2 months ago

    The algorithms used to “derank” swear-laden videos on platforms like TikTok and YouTube are the exact same one used to derank “political” content and/or queer content.

    So yeah, it fucking pisses me off every time someone self-censors to appease the Algorithm, lending it more credibility.

    Not very high on our very long list of items on the Descent Into Fascism checklist, but it’s on there.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.worldKeep it simple
    2 months ago

    Only 1.1. Which everybody has been fiercely clinging onto since 2009, because YAML 1.2 did not seem to consider it a problem that they broke backwards compatibility on that behavior. So now the only way to keep existing YAML files working is for us all to keep pretending YAML 1.2 does not exist.

  • One of these literally shows a dead soldier in a field of flowers so, yeah.

    It’s idle longing. I could give up my career, move to a deeply rural area, and break my back doing menial jobs until I die of health complications at 64. I won’t, but it’s nice to long for the imagined simplicity sometimes y’know?

    See also:

    twitter caption "Why do men keep saying they want to bleed out here what does that mean" over a picture of a desert urban area at night covered in fresh snow

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.worldAI needs to stop
    2 months ago

    Any examples spring to mind? I’ve built apps that are only distributed as containers (because for their specific purpose it made sense and I am also the operator of the service), but if ya don’t want to run it in a container… just follow the Dockerfile’s “instructions” to package the app yourself? I’m sure I could come up with a contrived example where that would be impractical, but in almost every case a container app is just a basic install script written for a standard distro and therefore easily translatable to something else.

    FOSS developers don’t owe you a pre-packaged .deb. If you think distributing one would be useful, read up on debhelper. But as someone who’s done both, Dockerfile is certainly much easier than debhelper. So “don’t need it” is a statement that only favors native packaging from the user’s perspective, not the maintainer. Can’t really fault a FOSS developer for doing the bare minimum when packaging an app.

  • I’m not a revolutionary and I disagree that the semantic difference is unimportant.

    “The system must be destroyed” implies, assuming we’re talking about national politics, at the very least a short period of very deep constitutional and institutional reform, but really refers to nothing less than civil war, violent revolution, and the systematic dismantlement of existing institutions from which proponents of such action generally assume that their preferred method of government will naturally emerge.

    This is opposed to a belief that, flawed may they be, democratic institutions also act as safeguards against the tyranny of the majority as well as the tyranny of whoever has the most money/guns, and slow incremental change to these institutions is preferable to their dismantlement.

    Of course everything in the world isn’t so black and white. Nonetheless the existence of gray doesn’t diminish the difference between black and white. “The system must be destroyed”, by virtue of the violence it implies, is an extremist statement and different in nature to “the system must be fixed”.

  • Generally French speakers don’t consider English to be phonetically messy. Because when you pronounce every word with the thickest French accent known to man without any regard for correctness, suddenly the phonology becomes quite regular! (Side-effect being that native English speakers may not understand what the fuck a French speaker is saying, but that’s never stopped French speakers who famously disregard the English’s opinion on… well everything)

    What’s really annoying about French besides the needlessly complicated tenses is that it had a bunch of already archaic orthographic and grammatical rules 300 years ago or so, and at that point the aristocracy decided to freeze it in place. I won’t get on another rant about the Académie française but if a French word has an overly complicated spelling given its pronunciation, it’s these guys’ fault who have refused to enact any real reform since the early 1800s despite calls for it since at least the 1700s. Despite it supposedly being their jobs.

  • At least these all have the same radical. Here’s the different radicals you can use in French for the verb “be”:

    • Être
    • Je suis
    • Tu es
    • Nous sommes
    • Nous étions
    • Je fus
    • Tu seras
    • Soyons

    The only common point between some of those is the letter “S”, which is not even part of the infinitive.

    (Not all tenses are represented because at least they share the radical with that list, but like Polish we have a bunch of tenses and the verb changes with plurality and pronoun).

    Anyway I don’t fucking know why everyone glamorizes French because as a native speaker please do not attempt to learn it, you will just hurt yourself.

  • You underestimate the sheer volume in my hippocampus dedicated to tracking tabs.

    … Kidding, mostly. Because generally tabs are grouped together in a way that makes sense so it’s easy to remember. These 10 tabs are me researching a new tool… A couple tags for articles I will surely get to… Then these 15 tabs are documentation for XYZ… Those 5 tabs are YouTube videos I want to watch… These are three Wikipedia searches that popped in my head and oh look a couple songs I want to listen to before adding them to my playlist.

    If I want to find a tab and they are fully minimized then I click on the group with the relevant icon then I Ctrl+Tab through them until I find what I want. Perfectly reasonable.

    I swear it makes sense and bookmarks are not an adequate replacement.