Technology connections has an excellent explanation video
Technology connections has an excellent explanation video
I just want to pop in and mention air conditioning is far more energy efficient than heating. Heating turns one energy unit into heat, while air conditioning uses one energy unit to transfer a couple units of energy worth of heat from inside to outside. AC efficiencies vary ofc, but the only way to heat more efficiently is by using a heat pump to transfer heat from outside to in (Air conditioning is also a heat pump). Which, is the same efficiency as AC. Heat pumps are fuckin cool
That’s been something hard about transitioning, being aware of how fewer and fewer people find me attractive the further I go. Ah well, it’s not like I was going to find a partner anyways, looks really never came into play in the first place.
My yin, being required to provide what they do have and nothing more would be a huge boon to community driven efforts to preserve it. “Not everything can be perfect so therefore we should do nothing” is a bad take.
Random person who took a material science course in college here, polymers like polyethylene are constructed from their component monomers in chemical reactions. Not all monomers end up in a polymer chain, and some remain trapped in the material. These are what leeches out of the plastic over time. Better manufacturing processes have cut down a lot on this over time but it’s not something that can be eliminated entirely. These are also referred to as micro plastics sometimes, and sometimes not–it depends on the knowledge of the person speaking and whether or not it suits their point. Anyways, there’s your not so fun fact for the day.
Honestly I love all those Peter and quagmire Simon and Garfunkel songs. Don’t like family guy anymore but “I can’t poop in strange places” still echoes through my head sometimes
Tree style tabs! Best used with css changes to remove the horizontal tab bar and the side menu header
Big fluffy friend!