Reddit has a change log of your comments. This does nothing to their underlying data
I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.
Reddit has a change log of your comments. This does nothing to their underlying data
About to fuck around and reboot Van Helsing
We need a far-future setting Pokémon in the year 28,000 where we can find Ash still alive, the oldest being in the universe beside the actual gods, still looks and acts like a 12 year old dumbass
This is not an emergency, this is an easy mode try out for a real disaster.
So it’s going to be horribly fumbled in the stupidest manner possible and will definitely become a worldwide disaster. Got it.
Nobody ever accused him of being good at it
I just call that one the piss color Gatorade, it is definitely yellow
Nah, if he actually builds it back up to that level, he can have it. He earned it that time.
I just want him to earn it even once.
My home is already plenty dumb enough without me exerting that level of control.
That sauce is fucking delicious and I will NOT stand for it being slandered in this fashion
Wa wouldn’t do his tennis bro dirty like that.
My money is on that little shit Bowser Jr
Essentially yes. The ethical thing to do with that amount of money is to redistribute it to people that need it more. Whether that is by donation to charity, or raising wages and investing in worker protections in the company that you run, or funding schools and development in places that need them, or paying your fair share of taxes, emphasis here because most billionaires got that way by lobbying tax code in their favor - they’ve reached a level of net worth that genuinely boggles the mind and couldn’t be wasted in full in a dozen lifetimes if you tried to.
I’m fine with people being wealthy, keep a million in your bank account, hell keep ten million, I don’t care. But there needs to be a line somewhere. There needs to be a point where we can say, okay, well done, you have Won At Capitalism. Here is your medal. All further profits are taxed at 99% income. We cannot let individuals amass so much of the supply of money that the nation can no longer support itself, which is what’s happening. Money is the life blood of society and all that blood is being concentrated in particular spots, starving the rest of the body. Money needs to flow to create a healthy economy, but it’s stagnating.
And lo and behold, the greatest period of prosperity in American history. In the 80s, Ronald Reagan cranks it all the way down to 25%. One two skip a few, now we live in a corpo hellstate where no one can afford anything except the nobility who live in a state of extravagant grandeur many exponents removed from the common man. The correlations are obvious.
High percentage high tax brackets are not the single cure-all silver bullet for all of America’s woes, but it gets us pretty damn close.
Tell that to the Buddhists!
I mean to be fair we’re all here clicking on this one to cheer at the guy. News organizations are going to run stories that get them clicks. While we may consider his death important and noteworthy, none of us are going to click and read an article about how Joe Random died from his heart failure or diabetes.
I’m glad he went when he did because he’d be disappointed to see us today.
Every 0.04 seconds I shave off whatever task I’m doing is a hit of dopamine right to the receptors
I don’t have a whole network setup like the rest of you guys, but I’ve been naming my desktop pc’s SHODAN ever since I built my first one. Secondary/partner’s pc is named XERXES. I’ll probably never change them.