I miss the time when not every cookie was a tracking cookie and they actually functioned as intended instead.
I miss the time when not every cookie was a tracking cookie and they actually functioned as intended instead.
So calling minorities “vermin” and making up shit about immigrants eating the pets of US citizens is a “tiny transgression”? No, that is text book nazi propaganda fueled by hate and endorsed by idiots.
Our license plates look like this: 2/3-letter city identifier - 1/2 letters you can choose - a 1-4 digit number you can choose. A friend of mine has the initials A.H. and was born in 1988. He wanted CITY - AH - 88. Registration did not allow it as it’s nazi dog whistling.
Dog whistling is very common to find like-minded fascists and nazis. Kind of a sad, pathetic life if you think about it.
“Innovation” is just the buzzword for the practice of figuring out how to extract more money from the paupers while delivering less. They have to invent new ways of scamming you, so the profit goes up.
I wrote myself a Chrome add-on that adds a context menu entry to play or download links.
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {
id: "processLink",
title: "Download as...",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "720p",
parentId: "processLink",
title: "720p",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "music",
parentId: "processLink",
title: "MP3",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "maxQual",
parentId: "processLink",
title: "Maximum quality video",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "separator1",
parentId: "processLink",
type: "separator",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "piQual",
parentId: "processLink",
title: "30 fps for RPi",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "separator2",
parentId: "processLink",
type: "separator",
contexts: ["link"]
id: "streamLink",
parentId: "processLink",
title: "Stream to VLC...",
contexts: ["link"]
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => {
let linkUrl = info.linkUrl;
if (info.menuItemId === "720p") {
sendLinkToNativeApp(linkUrl, "video720");
} else if (info.menuItemId === "music") {
sendLinkToNativeApp(linkUrl, "music");
} else if (info.menuItemId === "maxQual") {
sendLinkToNativeApp(linkUrl, "videomp4");
} else if (info.menuItemId === "piQual") {
sendLinkToNativeApp(linkUrl, "video720p30");
} else if (info.menuItemId === "streamLink") {
sendLinkToNativeApp(linkUrl, "stream");
function sendLinkToNativeApp(link, action) {
console.log("Sending link to native app with action:", action, link);
{ link: link, action: action },
function(response) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.error("Error:", chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
} else {
console.log("Received response from native app:", response.output);
import sys
import subprocess
import json
import struct
def log_to_file(message):
with open("log.txt", "a") as log_file:
log_file.write(message + "\n")
def get_message():
raw_length = sys.stdin.read(4)
if len(raw_length) == 0:
message_length = struct.unpack('I', raw_length)[0]
message = sys.stdin.read(message_length)
return json.loads(message)
def send_message(message_content):
message = json.dumps(message_content)
sys.stdout.write(struct.pack('I', len(message)))
def process_link(link, action):
if action == "stream":
cmd = 'yt-dlp --stream "{}" -o - | "D:/Programme/VLC/vlc.exe" -'.format(link)
cmd = 'yt-dlp --{} "{}"'.format(action, link)
result = subprocess.Popen('start cmd /c "{}"'.format(cmd), shell=True)
return result.stdout + result.stderr
if __name__ == "__main__":
message = get_message()
link = message.get("link")
action = message.get("action")
if link and action:
output = process_link(link, action)
send_message({"output": output})
The actions are just aliases for different qualities (old pi, so 720p60 stutters at times), audio extraction, etc.
Awesome, works with VLC as well. Thanks.
Downside is that you’ll have to regularly delete all the videos you’ve downloaded.
This is how Son Goku got his ass-pull zenkai boost on Namek.
Yeah, on all platforms I’ve been to I’ve seen nothing but bitter jokes and snarky comments about the situation. Imagine being such a massive shitbag that nobody gives a damn when you are literally murdered in public and in broad daylight.
If your legacy is feeding off people’s misfortune and suffering then I’d say this outcome is part of the risk you took. What goes around, comes around. I don’t expect the leeches to learn from that tho.
still have a mosquito in my bedroom. little asshole hides when i turn on the light to smack it and it senses when i’m about to just fall asleep and that’s when it attacks.
fuck, i hate mosquitoes.
Just reformat the coke to NTFS beforehand.
There was a video on YouTube once where some dude chucked a big chunk of caesium into a bathtub. It was amazing, thing just disintegrated violently, but I cannot find that video anymore. Probably deleted because YouTube doesn’t like cool experiments.
For only 99 bucks, you’ll never have to vacuum again!
Depends on the detonation velocity and explosive force of the mine. If shockwave border is thick enough and travels at an appropriate speed, it will shove pretty much everything in front of it which leaves a vacuum.
I don’t know how AT-mines are constructed, but I assume they are on the slower side to generate more heat.
Are you speaking of today’s video’s sponsor: Brilliant™?
Terra florida means something like “land with many flowers” in Spanish.
Thanks, only knew Explore with Us from this list. I’ll check out the others!
Pokemon evolve, you see
Hear that, Mindy? Stupid bitch.
Also never cheap out on the PSU. If your shit PSU dies, it might fry every component in your PC, if your good PSU dies, you can just replace it.
Must be a mod. Bethesda is too scared to put driveable vehicles in their game because they know the engine is janky.