“Hello police I have a server full of cp, oh get in the van? OK.”
“Hello police I have a server full of cp, oh get in the van? OK.”
I guess the blonde dude is getting shocked but it looks like he is CUMMING.
If you’re cold they’re cold. Plug them in and warm them up.
Hopefully they were fired.
Out of a cannon.
Into the sun.
Yep. That’s definitely the one.
I’m offering budget food delivery. 3 day delivery guaranteed.
Look, if you have to eat a hot pocket, at least bake it in a toaster oven or air fryer to crisp it up and even it out. If you insist on using the microwave, bagel bites are superior because they heat more evenly and stay very soft.
I think that actually happened naturally, and when they noticed they made the ads to capitalize on it.
Saw a writeup about it somewhere but I forget where.
Tame enough? https://youtu.be/dpE8btIiFKw
Then there’s a nonzero chance I coincidentally slept through it or shut it off while sleeping.
Android will update and restart your shit without consent at night so your phone doesn’t fully boot and your alarm doesn’t go off. Ask how I know.
Nobody sane is transferring legendary pepes unencrypted over Bluetooth. I use an encrypted USB delivered by courier with key provided upon proof of receipt (and payment, of course). Other than that they stay on an airgapped machine or cold storage.
Not to mention a certain lord of dreams has been locked in a basement for 100 years or so.
Interesting, you talk in this thread about an information bias yet you don’t know about all the republican lawmakers that had millions in ppp loans forgiven?
Moist crunch, not hard crunch. Like grapes I guess. It’s gross.
Shrimp as well. It’s weird and for me the flavor isn’t good enough to justify eating weird crunchy sea bugs
Make a negative comment about China on ml I dare ya.
You mean the teenage mutant ninja turtles, trained to operate in the shadows, didn’t really need a blimp??
Mystery solving duo, shitload of books written in the 1920s. Apparently pretty popular for early reading so a lot of kids grew up with em.