I think most people who use it are just scared from the uneducated downvotes/ backlash and I think it just ruins the sarcasm.
I started to avoid using it on other social media as it seems kind of dumb.
My opinion for it on Lemmy is mostly the same but it might work better here if Lemmy had a sarcasm tag instead(the same way NSFW tag work)of /s to signal the sarcasm instead.
I’ve seen at least 4 misunderstandings on lemmy where someone explicitly asked for a /s tag in the end. It’s very much needed.
upvoting because this is definitely unpopular. tone is not conveyed in text and various sarcastic phrases need the intonation to be understood as sarcastic.
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Yes? I mean… No? I mean… Help are they being sarcastic?
No, there isn’t. Tone is inflection in speech and body-language. In text, you might reasonably think it could be inferred, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be conveyed. And if someone is missing the inference, piling on “evidence of tone” phrases could be misinterpreted as “more proof of conviction”.
Use /s. If you get downvoted because you didn’t, that’s on you.
The problem is readers where English isn’t their primary language.
I have a modest proposal.
Or they’re neurodivergent. Or they’re fucking nazis trying to gaslight new recruits, claiming that the OP isn’t actually being sarcastic.
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I agree! There never is any confusion in text, it’s so incredibly obvious when people are being sarcastic. Tones are so easy to portray. /s
You can be as bitter about it as you like but it absolutely is required. You could come up the most obvious sarcasm you could ever imagine, and I’ll find you people that believe you’re being sincere.
We live in the post satire era.
I’m not sure how your idea for a sarcasm tag is any different to /s, it seems to be a roundabout way to achieve the exact same thing.
As someone who has trouble with sarcasm (especially online), a good /s is always helpful.
This is a good idea, since its so easy to tell tone over text /s
yOu DoN’t NeEd A sArCaSm TaG!
Are you advocating tags for all inflections of verbal speach or just sarcasm?
The weird thing is, using Emojis is like the perfect way to display subtle and varied verbal inflections in text form… but people here largely refuse to do it because they see it as cringe
What is the “I’m being sarcastic” emoji?
Personally i just go with whatever conveys that i am not being serious, such as any of these 🙄🤧🙃🤔😏.
Though i suppose i should say i am not 12 and have no idea what the cool kids use, probably 💀 or so
Back in the forum days it was the wink 😉
I personally like using 😤 for “confidentally stupid” sarcasm and 😬 for “yikes” sarcasm.
There’s also the classic eyeroll 🙄 but that one’s usually a bit too aggressive for me.
Oh and 🫠 and 🙃 can work well too!
Emoticons are inherently superior! :{)
ooh he’s got a lil mustache! That’s my favorite emotion!
Goatee man!
Kaomoji is superiorer ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
The tag solution in my opinion would be better than the “/s”, you could hide sarcasm+ it would be just visually marked.
You’ll get over it.
So instead of a /s showing sarcasm we’d have a tag showing sarcasm. What exactly is the difference?
Instead of typing /NSFW, Why do we tag NSFW?
Unless you want the ability to utilize the tags. For example : never show sarcasm posts/comments
Only show sarcasm posts/comments
Then there would be a difference
There is no difference. The end result is exactly the same.
I agree. It seems fragile to be be so afraid of… Checks nots purposeless down votes from random that are mostly bots.
Or maybe gen pop should get better at reading comprehension and learning to ask clarifying question if they are unable to understand content and context for whatever reason.
That’s how discussions work.
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Yeah, but the assholes will think you agree with them, which bolsters them. It’s much more fun to write out something they agree with to a T, and then add the /s tag. Completely deflating, utter devastation.
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