Honest question here, what did you change your mind about?
A double down vote for an honest question? Interesting
Honest question here, what did you change your mind about?
A double down vote for an honest question? Interesting
You are right I did miss word that thank you. Letting people know that there is a vote. That’s important. Trying to convince them to voteone or the other to me is just pointless. They’ve already made up their mind. If it takes a life lesson for them to learn well that’s a harsh life lesson. If they learn from it , great. if they didn’t well, maybe it wasn’t hard enough lesson.
I would agree with that.
Yeah most people after two bad experiences will just leave.
I prefer the marker be there but that because I don’t have much time to play. But that’s only because I want to get to where I’m going so I can enjoy the story. I wouldn’t want all the other info.
But I do agree we should be able to remove the markers and be able to read or listen to the dialog and figure it out from there.
Haven’t played those games and honestly most newer games but that sounds like it would suck to have all that info. There’s no surprise
we are all entitled to our opinion. i just happen to disagree with yours.
Bottle of pop. No
Glass of water at a restaurant. Yes
My hands shake and it’s annoying as hell when people stare at me when I’m trying to drink. So I get a straw.
I agree. With everything you said
How would you find out those factors about wheat?
This is why I record everything. Then watch it later and fast forward through the commercials. Most times i just hit the commercial skip button. I can turn a 1 hour tv show into 40 minutes or less. Football games are crazy the amount of time you can save.
A little practice and you start a football game time delayed and fast forward through the commercials and still end the game with in minutes of when the game actually ends.
I once got it with in about five minutes of the ending of the game.
Football, baseball or any game will work the same way.
Unless you want the ability to utilize the tags. For example : never show sarcasm posts/comments
Only show sarcasm posts/comments
Then there would be a difference
There is no difference. The end result is exactly the same.
So instead of a /s showing sarcasm we’d have a tag showing sarcasm. What exactly is the difference?
Yup definitely talk to the college, but he is right that is how you purge a bad grade.
He wants to be a freshman again. It’s a way to make him be a freshman. Not saying it’s a good idea, not sure why you’d want to be a freshman again either though
Last time I checked you do not have to transfer your credits. You go to community college for two years. Get the knowledge. Then choose a regular college apply and go there just don’t transfer your credits. Now you are going in as a freshman.
He definitely wore out that couch.
I’ll see myself out.
I think as long as the politics is kept to a minimum (US or otherwise) it’s not really a problem. If it becomes a reasonably large portion of the posts then yes ban it in most communities. But it should really be done one a community by community basis.
And I’m willing to bet that no matter how long I spend or how hard I try , I’ll never change your mind