Absolutely called out. So many stories either on random document/text files or on Wattpad that are so incomplete it’s not even funny.
I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
Absolutely called out. So many stories either on random document/text files or on Wattpad that are so incomplete it’s not even funny.
I feel called out so badly right now…
Well, the type of policies like that typically come from one of 2 types of people: communists and fascists.
As much as I hate capitalism, I hate communism even more.
Forgot and didn’t notice this was one of the .ml communities. Not gonna continue the conversation because I have the strongest feeling neither of us will argue in good faith.
I guarantee the politicians who desperately wanted an end to e2e definitely learned from the communists of the east.
To be fair, I’d rather abandoned early access games have a warning rather than be flat out unsellable. In an ideal world in my opinion, any abandoned early access game on Steam would be either be set as a free to play game or be marked down to a ridiculously low price like 99¢ rather than being outright unsellable.
I would get it if the publisher and/or developers decided to remove a game, make it real cheap, or outright make it free to play. Letting Steam decide what happens? Maybe as a last resort sort of thing where they send something like an email saying that if they don’t do substantial updates and/or reply back, their product will be made free to play or marked at a heavily reduced price.
To be fair, regardless of whatever we think, there was always gonna be at minimum one country to do it. Now it’s a race to see who else follows and from there how this (d)evolves.
Don’t know if he still makes videos, but furry yt content creator I used to watch.
Why they chose a picture of Majira is beyond me. They could have used anyone and they decided on him.
Clearly this guy was doing a spike fall level IRL. Probably didn’t even mak it past noob SMH.
I tried that for a while with mull before it was announced updates would stop and I don’t know whether it’s incompetence on my end or my phone or what, but it wasn’t working right. Didn’t help that no matter what I did, my phone always wanted to put it in deep sleep mode.
Haell yeah! Now I don’t have to worry about having to check every so often to see if they’ve updated by going to their gitlab!
Damn! Getting an error 404…
Edit Edit:
I am an idiot. Needed to go to their gitlab to get to find what I was looking for.
It’s probably a boring answer but Deify by Disturbed. That, or I could go with something completely out of left field like this.
$9 an hour? Well, aren’t you fancy! I’d say somewhere around $4 in a job where if there are tips, then the CEO gets everything because they think they work so much harder than everyone else.
Never knew much about it outside of the show itself and maybe the Cartoon Network flash games they used to have on the US site, but definitely have vague memories of watching it as a kid because I can remember hearing Break Away/S’envoler by The Subdigitals (the no words version they used for the credits at one point) while sitting upside down on the living room couch of my childhood home.
For a moment I read the post title as “White Power” and wondered “what the fuck?” when looking at the post. Glad it’s powder and not power.
Best part of cooking compared to baking, in my opinion, is this.
You need 2 cups of whatever? Well, an extra eighth cup by accident isn’t going to kill it, probably.
Your pastry or whatever your baking calls for exactly 2 pecans? Better not forget them or whatever you’re baking will go thermonuclear!
As long as they’re only a minute or two off, I don’t mind as much. Especially since I mostly use my desktop/laptop/phone/other Internet connected devices most of the time if I need accurate readings.
I personally think you could very easily divide the main series fallout titles (and 76 because IDK if it’s main series or just a spin-off or what) into the west vs east coast games. Not gonna say one is objectively better than the other, but I personally like the story of the west coast games better.
As someone who has trouble with sarcasm (especially online), a good /s is always helpful.
I’m lucky enough to have an outlook account with a much more professional address than any of my other email addresses, not including than my secondary protonmail account. But I’m definitely gonna have to close that outlook account due to security reasons and get a new one (for professional stuff since I doubt anyone would accept anything other than gmail or outlook where I live).
Ain’t now way anyone is gonna say my gmail account (just used for yt because I like commenting on certain videos) saying I’m a fan of a long since dead yt channel is very professional. My outlook account at least was/is more professional as it is nothing but a few letters that don’t spell anything.