This guy went to great lengths to acquire the thing (and the company that makes the thing) that ultimately killed him.
Many people mix him up with Dean Kamen, who actually invented the Segway.
still funny. for more giggles, look up the usain bolt segway oopsident
(…) was riding his Segway while walking his dog (…) when he reversed the Segway to allow a fellow dog walker to get past him, he fell from a nearby cliff (…)
Distraction + overconfidence it seems.
Also, had he been on foot, he would have felt the cliff and avoided the accident.Clearly this guy was doing a spike fall level IRL. Probably didn’t even mak it past noob SMH.
I still wish I had one
Imagine you get your own wiki page because you die from buying a company that built things that in the end killed you.
Notoriety isn’t just for big-picture stuff. I have a fleeting mention due to a very peripheral involvement in a really big lawsuit, like mentioning the ants when elephants fight.
Quit it
Imagine all the people…
Had one for a while. It’s ok but the places you can safely ride are more limited than you think. E-scooters are a far superior invention for mobility.
That last thought must’ve been an “awwww fuck, what have I done?” one.