I thought this said “goth mouth” and I was sadly disappointed, until I saw the actual picture
Jesus no one can have any privacy any more eh? Maybe I want to take a short trip to space to take a shit? And while I’m up in the stars blasting out my asteroid, anyone can just look up where I’m at thanks to this website, eh? What’s the galaxy coming to?
I like FX Explorer
I’ve played that Stellaris mod, pretty sweet
It’d be easier if business owners across all industries didn’t collude to end a practice that had been cheaper and more efficient for both employer and employee simply because they couldn’t dare allow the worker to get better working conditions without having to fight tooth and nail for it
Or maybe work from home and not have to waste money and time on a bullshit commute
As all things should be
I don’t think it would kill everyone on the way down, I’m sure a large percentage of innocent gawkers would end up getting tsunami down their own throats until secondary tsunamis, (“two-namis”) eject across the entire shire
Guess what, you can do all three! It’s a simple matter of holding the phone in one hand while whipping a tit for your baby in the other!
Wannabe Stasi fucks
Samesame, I quoted Austin Powers
Who wants a body massage?
You’ve got me there, I remember the jank even back on modded Morrowind
Lol wannabe Stasi fucks
The Source engine dates to at least 1996 when Quake came out, what now?
The Unreal engine comes from the same time period
Burp burp gottem
You mean, if he was real?