My apartment is 1 year old.
Contrast the houses around here which pre-date the Great War and tell me why their water works well and mine is this binary pain.
They have two separate taps, though, but that shouldn’t matter. Right? Right?
I’m surprised I didn’t rupture my spleen when I saw that.
It was in a cinema, too, if you remember what those were.
I couldn’t breathe, and I was all but a puddle on the sticky floor, laughing my adult ass off.
That’s like ‘traffics’ and ‘manies’ and ‘mails’, right?
I quit as soon as I saw it still has a docker crutch. Fails security reqs due to the validation issue.
Thanks, though. Sounds like it’s gonna work well for you.
Setup: noun (set-up)
Set up: verb
You need to pick the right lane, man.
That’s two words, Genius. Your spell check was correct.
Are your parents home?
go with ceph[:] it has everything
I heard running an object store as a filesystem was considered risky, but that’s not why it sometimes hoses your storage.
what’s the further
Some are for designed with animal hunting in mind, some for hurting people, and some for target sports
The same was once said about dogs; but then we learned.
Many countries in Europe have high gun ownership and manage to do so without murdering [each other].
But can we agree that the not killing is a by-product of not using the gun, instead of using the gun? To re-phrase, the more the gun is used to shoot at something, the higher the chance of something getting hit?
Hunting IMO is way more sustainable
Right whales would like a word.
sustainable and ethical than buying store bought meat
Hunting […] [lets] me […] want to protect ecology of my area
Sorry, which part of killing animals fixes a landscape or its residents? What are you protecting by killing something? Does Fonzie need to give Ritchie another speech about Two Wrongs and a Right?
I see what you did there.
Lat I checked, it was 40w idle for me on the kill-o-watt. Spinny rust and all!
Uh oh. Red flag.
gotta pop the panel cover off,
This may be where the rental agreement is broken. Define ‘pop’ . Two hands and a tool? Clear it with the landlord first. The company running the 400-unit building where I am now is gonna say F No.
Yeah. I got a pro managing it.
Evaporative clay-pot coolers are also top-load for efficiency.
Without space between the contents, though, they freeze in phases and it affects how they come out. Watch out or just keep air gaps.
Colour + noun: