I thought the Romans had us covered there, they nailed him repeatedly!!
I mostly play video games.
I thought the Romans had us covered there, they nailed him repeatedly!!
Any civilization that needs that much energy would have long ago exhausted their planet’s resources and gone extinct.
Every time I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail then boom, right away, I had a different problem!
This is why weed was invented by the ancient people of Kush.
The reason for this is you must manually federate with any instances you want to see. According to this you need to paste in the links you want into the search on the site and then it will start to pull from those instances after that point.
A different worldview? In THIS economy??
Its an assumed carcinogen as far as I can tell. There are no studies showing it causing cancer in humans, but they presume it might be a carcinogen due to the effect on rodents.
However, a large number of epidemiologic studies… in humans have found no consistent evidence that dietary acrylamide exposure is associated with the risk of any type of cancer Source
Ahh you must be from a somewhat sane part of the world…
Must not work POS, cash is flowing like mad all the time. Cards are more prevalent now but cash is still king
When you switch on “Money Generation 4.0” you’re money gets enhanced up to 3x as much!
They are decent for the right price. The boxes where you get like 3-5 items and a drink for under 7 dollars are great, but the rest of their shit is usually overpriced and not worth the hassle of using their kiosk or app or worse, having to order at the counter cause they decided to only allow certain deals when you order at certain places. Oh and also FUCK them for making the kiosk almost mandatory and then making the good deals not available on them!! Why’d you put them there if you want me to order the cheap shit at the counter?!
I knew a guy who did the griddy randomly. Was a strange fella but an alright dude.
Just tape another quarter to it, or like two dimes and 3 pennies but that seems a bit crazy.
You think they got TR3B’s there? I bet they do
I mean tbf you can still search “who DAT guy” and it will give you Salvador Dali in one of those boxes that show up before the search results.
Just buy the fucking fake diamonds 90% the same, but less fucking slave labor and 1/100th of the price
I think the Vita suffers from a similar problem as the PSP Go which is instead of improving on the PSP, its basically a PSP with features that are practically useless. I said they needed to improve the PSP, not double down on the worst aspects.
Nah they fucked it up with the sliding PSP Go. If they continued and improved on the original PSP design, it would most likely be competing with the Switch at the moment.
Sweet and oily is like 2/3 of an american’s diet