I say dumb shit.
If Musk is happy to dead name his daughter, then it’s fine to dead name his shitty website.
Mozzies hate me for some reason, they avoid me all the time, like I could be the last choice for a starving mozzie and he’d still have to think about it.
I used to fill in for god to watch him have sex, I thought him having god watch was for religious reasons, but he just can’t get off unless someone’s silently judging him in the corner.
Look at the fucking chode on the 3rd dude from the left.
Nah just train one to go steal it for you.
I knew a guy who looked exactly like him, he was this intelligent, weirdly intense but simultaneously one of the most chill person I’ve known.
I’d go visit him and he’d be mowing his back lawn using a small one handed scythe, most his backyard was grass and he didn’t own any other form of mower, so he’d sit there for half the night on his hands and knees mowing his lawn, he also slept out there in a small tent made out of sticks and some sheets.
Subway, eat fresh.
Your bill will be Nintendo 64 thousand dollars.
I dreamt I broke my new phone the other night and woke up sad untill I checked my phone, I got a Motorola flip phone and my last 2 Samsung flips broke so I guess I’m more paranoid about breaking it than I thought.
Man I really gotta party with more rats.
Me: I wish life was like a movie
Also me: Not that fucking movie.
In ska they call that Skankwiching.
Yeah, has that dude even been in a band? Honkwinching is one of the best parts of being in a band.
Man reading the random weird shit I found online was a fun part of my trips, sooo many weird but interesting rabbit holes you find, it’s like they’re hidden slightly askew from reality.
As people less likely to beat their wives.
It’s how we become immortal.
Conway Twatty