I’m still not sure why there is vegetarian Spam, but…
Why is there regular Spam?
SPAM is great. I will hear no slander.
Does Spam need meat to be great? Feels like an easy swap to me!
Totally agree. I love SPAM but I’ll bet a non-meat version is totally doable.
Are you Hawaiian?
E: or maybe Filipino?
Nm this has been covered.
Neither! SPAM is cheap fatty salty protein. What’s not to love? It’s isn’t worse than a hot dog.
Your face isn’t worse than a hot dog
(Things I brag about on my tinder profile)
Thank you, I moisturize.
Lips and assholes, in cube form!
You just declared war on the entire country of Hawaii.
No, Hawaii.
Lol, what? Yeah, the kingdom of Hawaii, right?
I can’t tell if we’re actually saying different things.
I thought that a country has to be recognized as a country by other countries whereas a kingdom has to… do… something different. And royalty or something?
Fuck it, let’s go back to arguing. Yes! Kingdom!
I’m confused, I’m telling you its the country of Hawaii and you’re saying it’s the country of Kingdom and I’m just trying to say they love SPAM and now you’re picking fights.
Well when you say it like that, I sound like a moron.
But I’m feeling stubbornly ignorant enough to support what I’m supposedly arguing.
The country of Kingdom loves Hawaii which is why they constantly spam my email. If you don’t forward this message to 10 friends in the next two days, Jesus is gonna sneak into your room while you’re sleeping and punch you in the stomach.
Oh I was hoping he’d slip me little Jesus if you know what I mean.
Jesus comes twice.
Since when is Hawaii a country brah?
The House of Kamehameha will rise again and everyone will be too scared to do anything because no one is gonna wanna wait to find out if they can actually do that DBZ shit.
Can you please stay on track here?
We’re talking about SPAM and the country of Hawaii’s love for it.
And South Korea.
Hawaii is one of the most vegan countries on earth.
They’re pretty shitty vegans because they eat seven million cans of Spam per year.
They’re pretty shitty vegans
According to a 2021 study by Easy Reader News, Hawaii ranks as the 4th top vegan state in America, following Nevada, California, and Oregon. The study reveals that Hawaii boasts a vegan population of 622 per 1 million people and is home to 19 vegan restaurants per 1 million residents.
They might be pretty happy about vegan spam considering they love both.
Those are really small numbers.
622/1,000,000 vegans
If everyone went to a vegan restaurant at the same time there would be 52,631.6 people there.
And 52,631 people are gonna have PTSD from seeing the 2/3 of a person mangled on their way in through the door
Slightly less then two thirds.
Damn. This doesn’t match my experience in Hawaii at all. My in-laws live there, and everytime I visit I sustain my life with fruit and Avacados. I’d kill for some plant based SPAM.
I thought they were big on pork, much like other pacific island nations. But also with the history of Asian immigrants and agriculture, I would think soy and soy based products would also be readily available.
Real talk though. My vegetarian wife struggled to find good vegetarian meals in Oahu that were Hawaiian themed. Not that they didn’t exist. Just that they were lacking compared to most major cities in America.
Me as a BBQ eater though… Gimme dat pork butt.
Gimme dat pork butt
Someone’s gonna be going “wee wee wee” tonight
Don’t do his vegetarian wife like that, bro.
@ByteOnBikes@slrpnk.net is the only one threatening to do anyone’s hammy hinds
TIL that Hawaii is a country…
And don’t they rely on fishing? They have a severe lack of farm land…
For spam musubi?
I blame the Danes
That’s a good question.
I’m still not sure why there is vegetarian Spam, but…
I became a full time vegetarian 10 or 11 years ago. There are still some dishes I miss that had meat in them. Not necessarily the meat itself. Some I have modified to be vegetarian. Other I have not.
All in all there are not a lot I find myself wanting. One is an Italian cold cut sub, another is various dishes made with spam. 20 years ago I worked in a logistics department and most of my coworkers were from the Philippines, I learned to love spam. It was also a great camping food. I would love to try vegetarian spam.
Maybe I’m crazy, but that actually sounds kinda dope. Spam is underrated, IMO.
Spam is literally like one of the most delicious things on the planet. I have no clue how anyone sane can dislike it…i bet the people saying it’s gross have never even had it and just assume it’s gross because it comes in a can.
I’ve tried it and I didn’t love it or hate it. It was just… on my plate. Like the unsalted mashed potatoes of the meat world.
Canned corned beef, on the other hand - I’d probably eat it every week if it wasn’t so fatty.
Was it fried up and served with veggies or on a breakfast sandwich? Or did you eat it straight up?
That first thing.
Interesting. Idk. It tastes like bacon basically when you fry it. Not sure how that wouldn’t be delicious. But oh well, idk.
You sure you don’t just really like salt?
Well the salt definitely makes it tastier, no shit. Hot dogs also taste good…same with fast food and anything salty from a restaurant…salt = tastes good. It’s a culinary basic principle.
Not saying it’s good for you. Just saying it’s delicious.
I would go past underrated and day much maligned.
Apparently this is a soy and wheat gluten loaf and is made in the Phillipines.
Sounds delicious.
It does. Honestly SPAM is a good choice for unmeatification.
Maybe! Idk, I used to like mock duck. Soy based lunch meat is pretty good too. Alas, I’ll never be able to try this company’s stuff as it all has wheat in it.
Sounds like its essentially seitan, and frankly you can do amazing things with wheat gluten. My personal fav is the hilariously named WTF method (wash that flour).
For spam I imagine they just salt the hell out of it. 😂
It is!
It could be better, from my experience.
Unless you’ve Celiac disease.
I know. 😁
Next time grab a photo of the back with the ingredients. That’s the most important photo to capture
Water, Non-GMO Soy Protein, Palm Olein, Seasonings (Onion, Black Pepper), Natural Flavors, Potato Starch (Thickener), Modified Vegetable Gum, Wheat (gluten and fiber, Sugar, Yeast Extract, Vinegar, Potassium Salt and Paprika Oil (color)
So its an oily tofu block with seasoning and preservatives
Spam is an oily meat block with seasoning and preservatives. Sounds like they nailed it in spirit.
I’m sold
So eating meet is bad but eating palm oil is ok? You guys know palm oil is destroying the orangutans right?
Just because a company has created a product, doesn’t mean that anyone has made a moral judgement. Even if some vegetarians decide to eat this, it still doesn’t mean that all vegetarians agree.
The things you are doing are destroying something somewhere.
Right. Try to buy clothing that doesn’t have slavery somewhere in the supply chain. It’s impossible. Same with chocolate.
I roll around in locally sourced mud to cover my shame.
I killed some grass to dig a whole to plant a tree.
We can quantify the harm against the benefit in tons of carbon equivalent added or removed from the air and calculate the net effect.
Growing vegetarian food is magnitudes less harmful then raising animals for food in almost every ecosystem and species
Wow a whole hole? You monster.
Oversimplifying a complicated situation is a great way to show you know nothing about complicated situations.
I wouldn’t advocate for someone eating palm oil simply for their own personal health. However if you want to talk about the environment way more land is cleared for livestock than oil palm, even if you just focus on the locations where oil palm is grown. And palm oil is usually replacing animal fats in cooking due to it’s saturated fat content, stuff like lard and ghee.
Something something no ethical consumption
Backyard garden vegetable consumption comes fairly close?
Quantitatively, eating meat is wayyy worse for the environment, yes.
This guy/girl
fucksknows how to vegetarian
I’m still not sure why there is vegetarian Spam
For the same and only reason that there is regular spam, surely? For musubi.
Musubi or fried with scrambled eggs and mayploy. Only way to eat spam.
they use the word meat a lot on the shelf tag, considering it’s not meat
Probably Hawaiian/Filipino diaspora. Those guys love spam, to the extent of innovating fusion dishes centered around it.
There are also a few Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese dishes that use spam. Basically any place that has or has had a US military presence at some point has developed spam based dishes because they leave tons (literally) of the stuff behind when they pull the troops out.
I have a Chamorro coworker who had a whole rant on how Hawaiian pizza should have spam instead of ham and how awesome spam is. I think it’s safe to add the people of Guam to your list.
They are correct. I’d do it myself but there’s alot of spam in 1 can for a pizza or even 2. I’ll have to set some aside next time I make Spam Masubi. Of course that means a few less servings of masubi… life is full of hard choices…
I mean now that I’m thinking of it, that’d be absolutely right, only way to make it more Hawaiian would be to find a way to get some tarro on it too.
My guess is the only reason ham was used is because it was made up before spam caught on.
Also the guy who did it was Canadian, so non zero chance he was just pulling the recipe out of his own ass.
My Hawaiian friend tried the Unmeat brand and said it tasted like the real thing. I enjoyed it a lot, although I’ve never had “real” Spam.
From Hawaii. This isn’t Spam, this is luncheon meat. Or veggie luncheon meat. Sorry to be so snobby about canned meat products, but you can take my Spam from my cold, dead hands. I’ll give you all my luncheon meat.
Have you tried it?
For that price I’d happily try it.
However good or bad it is. It can’t be worse than luncheon meat. Treet meat and it’s offbrand variants.
The price of spam is just criminal nowadays. Costs more than corned beef.
I was very doubtful about this when it first came out, but it was really cheap at one point so I gave it a try, even though I don’t like spam. This stuff is delicious.
Does it taste like spam? Where did you find it at? I’m not even sure I’ve seen this at specialty stores around here.
It’s sold in quite a few different countries. I get it from Woolworths in Australia.
I can’t really remember what spam tastes like, except that I recall not liking it as a kid; I think it was too salty and too spongy for my liking. This product seems to have a meatier texture than spam though. I’ve tried it a few different ways and it’s quite enjoyable. I even use it as a burger patty replacement. Slice it up, fry it, and it pairs well with cheese and tomato sauce.
Vegan spam?
There is a Monty Python gag somewhere hidden in front of our eyes.
Cue Terry Gilliam and Graham Chapman in drag “talking to each other on the phone”
Spaaaam, you say?
No, no, my dear! This isn’t Spam, it’s Vegan Spam!
Vegan Spam? Whatever for?
Well, the doctor said we have to cut back on our meat intake, but you know how stubborn Martin can be.
Well does it taste good?
Umm, well, it doesn’t taste like spam, more like an intelligent flan
Cue the giant killer flans attacking both of them
Spam, spam, spam, baked beans, esh and spam. That’s not got much spam in it.
What??? I gotta find me some of this Spam!
For those who like canned meat but want it to be more ethical or environmentally friendly?
I’m still not sure why there is vegetarian Spam, but…
Because there are Hawaiians who don’t eat meat.