skip to 1:45 for actual instructions, or watch the whole thing
But step 2 is put your junk in the hole.
skip to 1:45 for actual instructions, or watch the whole thing
But step 2 is put your junk in the hole.
My boomer mother is antivax, the only reason me and my siblings are vaccinated is because we had to be to be in school, and the only thing my mother hates more than vaccines is me and my siblings being in her way.
There are no alternatives to the credit bureaus for your credit report.
In elementary school we were taught that as well, then in middle school we were taught Central America is part of South America, but in high school we were taught Central America is part of North America.
They just beat them.
I have a short bed Tacoma (5’1” I think) and for almost everything I need it to do it does it. But if I want to sleep in the bed I have to drop the tailgate or sleep catawampus.
Unlikely, but there is still a chance. It could always call its pig cousins to brutalize or kill you on its behalf.
Yes. The near-by town (8 miles away) got a flashing traffic light when I think I was in 4th grade. Then the next town had 3 stop lights. The city was 90 miles away.
Home and yes
We did not have indoor toilets until I was in 6th or 7th grade, and the indoor shower came a year or so later.
In elementary school in the early 80s I was called poor (which I was) because I had to bring a box lunch in an old beat up lunchbox my mom got from a yard sale for a nickel, and could not afford cafeteria lunches. All my food was home made and the kids made fun of everything I brought. It got so bad I used to get in trouble all the time so I always had lunch detention and had to eat with my teacher.
I’m still not sure why there is vegetarian Spam, but…
I became a full time vegetarian 10 or 11 years ago. There are still some dishes I miss that had meat in them. Not necessarily the meat itself. Some I have modified to be vegetarian. Other I have not.
All in all there are not a lot I find myself wanting. One is an Italian cold cut sub, another is various dishes made with spam. 20 years ago I worked in a logistics department and most of my coworkers were from the Philippines, I learned to love spam. It was also a great camping food. I would love to try vegetarian spam.
There was a thread recently asking why museums were worth it or something like that. The Dalí museum in St Pete Florida is what I used as an example, so many of good paintings are either tiny or huge and no art book I have has properly conveyed that.
I have heard really good things about proton pass too, but I have never used it. I use proton mail and VPN, trying to space my security between providers.
I have only used lastpass (they have had several breeches and I do not recommend them), Bitwarden (my current daily driver and my recommendation), and I have used Apple keychain a little for passwords at work that my wife can access without having full access to my Bitwarden.
Sounds like you need to learn how to cook.
I see it on my paid account in the mail app now too.
I almost used my proton mail because I can create an alias, where equifax would not accept a plused gmail account.
And eggplant