Not in the 2025 I’m from!
Not in the 2025 I’m from!
Hello, it’s me from 2025. When are you from where germ theory is finally believed and acted upon by the majority?
If the apocryphal kite experiment is to be believed, wet string.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Thanks for the tip!
I don’t care what your evening plans were previously, your new task is to watch VelociPastor, I promise it is worth your time.
He never said he wants free speech for everyone
Yes he fucking did. He called himself a “free speech absolutist” which was just a blatant lie just like every other sentence that has farted out of his Nazi lips.
No, satellite radio is not bi-directional.
Why do you continue to use software that abuses you? Try LibreOffice or even Google.
Well there is a difference between mustard seeds and mustard the sauce with vinegar and salt and sugar etc.
This needs to be pinned at the top: only a Nazi goes out of their way to put an 88 in their username. He thinks he’s clever by putting it in binary so people don’t immediately call him out. Nazis get off on that kind of “clever” dogwhistle.
How do you explain the 88 in his username? That’s not an American thing.
You honestly think that’s what he was going for? Someone who grew up in a culture pretty heavily insulated from that but steeped in “former” Nazi ties?
No he had plenty of time to educate himself but instead doubled and tripled down. Also his username ends in 88 which has been the most unsubtle Nazi dog whistle since the invention of usernames and the internet.
Potentially, but the ban was never about solving a problem it was about being seen doing something. The average old person voter who isn’t serially online has never heard of RedNote and probably won’t for many years, so the skeletons in congress don’t have to address it.
21 is quite young for a doctorate degree. Most people only have a bachelor’s degree by 22.
Are you OK right now? Are you safe from yourself?