TIL Will Ferrell was trying to look like the lead singer of Prodigy, with his character in Zoolander.
This is by GDP, not per capita, unfortunately.
I heard a rumor a year or so ago, that he might come back to do some passion projects, now that the kids are grown.
Nope. Aboriginal Australian is one of the few ethnicities that I’m not related to at all.
Spiders have been proven to have enough intelligence to recognize other life forms that are both much smaller, and much larger than them. This is something that most other insects fail at.
That would explain my drunk human trick. You can get me drunk, blindfold me, and spin me in circles. I will then unerringly point to North. I always know where North is. Even when I’m rebooting after just waking up.
I was thinking Hackers
Sure, but we didn’t have even ancient cities without them
For modern society, sure. For foundational society, you don’t have any societies without Farmers, Educators, and some sort of doctor.
Slightly worse than that in some ways. Domestication of both dogs and cats seems to stunt their development at the younger stages of puberty. They never actually become adult cats and dogs, we stunted both their growth, and theirs, by domesticating them and us.
Town guard is gonna get fireballed into the grave. They don’t have character class levels.
I walk between 5 to 10 miles a day
Then I’m better off taking the $0.25 per step
Unplug it?
The speed of dark
I was looking at it in bright light. Couldn’t see the lettering till just now
What’s the bottom left?
Because prostitutes don’t care about the denomination, just that it adds up to their fee.