Ya started a thread about a Nazi’s, literally using it in the title but now you want to cite Godwin?
That is objectively hilarious.
I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.
The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.
Ya started a thread about a Nazi’s, literally using it in the title but now you want to cite Godwin?
That is objectively hilarious.
Flat out wrong. You’re naive and evidently a nazi sympathizer. No one asked you to come out and try to give Elon cover for doing the salute… twice but you took it upon yourself to do exactly that.
Wait, so if I drive fast enough I get a nice picnic meal?!?!
thys thrad js dumb, WHY wuld u mAke thys?!?
Oooh, thank you!
I wish I could stop using Facebook entirely but the only family I allow in my life refuses to leave. And trust me, I have asked for us to switch. Every time I send SMS it doesn’t get seen and she tells me to use messenger. 🙃
Sounds like its essentially seitan, and frankly you can do amazing things with wheat gluten. My personal fav is the hilariously named WTF method (wash that flour).
For spam I imagine they just salt the hell out of it. 😂
Every difference in treatment between two people based on gender is sexism
And exclusively focusing on Taylor when there is recent examples of others doing much worse is a great example of this. Such as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio who all use their private jets in just as wasteful horrendous ways. Much like how all the star wars fans decided Kathleen Kennedy or “Darth Kennedy” was the main reason the new movies were bad, ignoring the directors and writers with more control.
I’m not here to defend Taylor, couldn’t care less about her, not at all a fan and fuck all billionaires. But you have to ignore centuries of history, gender discrimination and patriarchal control to cite sexism like this. There is a rich history of double standards and women being criticized for the exact same thing men do. The overwhelming majority of private jets are used by men in their 50’s, but somehow Taylor Swift is the eternal meme fodder for it?
there are a number of vegans that think no one should own cats, and there are equally a number of vegans that think that cats should be fed a vegan diet with essential amino acid supplements rather than letting an obligate carnivore eat meat.
And there are WAY WAY WAY more vegans that work at animal shelters specifically trying to put animals in to homes.
The overwhelming majority of vegans do not do this. Like, I don’t know how to convince you of this other than saying in that of being vegan for 8+ years, going to vegan specific fairs/conventions, reading vegan literature, particating in vegan discords and moderating a vegan community that I have never once interacted with a a person who actually did this.
IN THE VERY LINK YOU PROVIDE, vegans calling this behavior out and saying if they can’t feed a cat meat, not to own one. This accusation simply isn’t based in reality.
It’s certainly a sentiment among vegans that gets amplified in any space where they tend to congregate.
No. It’s a vanishingly small minority that you are pretending is a monolith because it’s an easy strawman. Honestly you sound like the deluded pro-life folk who protest outside planned parenthood because they read online that post-birth 3rd trimester abortions happen all the time. I can’t stop you from believing in nonsense, but it frankly makes you sound ridiculous.
This isn’t an unpopular opinion. In fact, it’s an extremely popular one. Every corner of the internet goes out of their way to say they hate vegans, This isn’t even remotely original.
I’m not interested in changing your mind. You do as you like, and frankly it seems like you are just venting, so rock on. But if you are intersted in fact based discussions, I think you need to move past your the stereotypes, assumptions and flat out falsehoods.
Human suffering is not preferable to animal suffering.
No vegan thinks it is. I would kill an animal to save a human.
They force their shit into pets like cats who can’t thrive on a vegan diet
Snuggling my non-vegan cat right now.
steal your pet from you so they can kill it
Crazy people of every community exist. Without question the overwhelming majority of vegans do not support the behavior of a few that have done this. That is exactly as fair as me saying carnists practice cannibalism because of the handful of psychopaths to do so.
And the rest of your points fall under the “no ethical consumption under capitalism” good place type arguments. However, I find it particularly egregious to say vegans don’t mind slavery. If a human slave in involved in a plant based food, then it isn’t vegan.
You can think that, but understand that it is a theory that the government is conspiring to keep knowledge tech the public.
Look, I can’t and won’t try to change your mind, seems like you have already decided it’s happened. But you should understand that their is no evidence to believe in telepathy. That doesn’t mean impossible, but if you choose to believe it is possible AND invented in the early 90s that is entirely a you choice. Much like choosing to believe in god.
So sure, believe whatever. Just know that without evidence it will be difficult to get serious people to take you serious.
Yes, they were programs that were carried out.
No, they did not prove telepathy, mind control or anything of the sort.
Haaaa. My god dude, you set the table for this discussion. I’m sorry your unpopular opinion post was unpopular? Hard to imagine any other outcome tho.
Even with the quickest glance for context you can see quite that Elon also aligns himself with Germany far right party members who have been jailed for using Nazi slogans and idelogy.
Stop defending and downplaying Nazis dude. It’s not hard.