All this is wrong because it’s Total Recall, hands down
So my opinion of this is colored by nostalgia, but I tend to agree with the OP.
When I was very little I rented Conan shortly after seeing T2 and assuming anything with that guy in it would be good.
I sat at home and watched that movie in AWE. it was AWESOME. dude is poetic and he doesn’t take no shit, and DARTH VADER is in it??? How had I never heard of this before?!
Few movies have captured that childlike wonder in me the way Conan the Barbarian did. LOTR got close, only because I’d been anticipating it for so long. But there’s something about that movie you see as a child that just blows you away, that is at least in it’s own right a decent movie. Conan isn’t just good to a kid who probably shouldn’t be watching it, it’s genuinely a decent film. Total recall, while also good, just didn’t light that spark in me.
I still watch them both every few years. Last action hero and Tango and Cash and demolition man too.
That’s a weird way to spell True Lies.
edit: Sorry, skipped over that the post title already mentioned True Lies.
Nope, it’s the one where he’s a clone and flies that cool airplane/helicopter.
I don’t remember Danny Devito flying a chopper (Twins) /s
I actually loved the sci-fi in that one. The cloning of pets was pretty cool. Also the plot twist was pretty neat. I’ll have to watch it again to see if it holds up.
I think Total Recall would have been better with a different actor. Fight me.
Conan doesn’t get the respect it deserves on multiple levels. From Basil Polidouris’s score, to the cinematography, and YES…even the screenplay. Conan was never “just a Arnold action movie”.
I’ve always equated it to more like an opera. Dialogue is honestly sparse. Much like the character of Conan himself, dialogue only exists when it has the most impact, with the rest of the story being told visually. It’s one of the only films I’ve seen where you can put it on mute and still mostly know the broad strokes of what’s going on.
I’ll never not defend this movie. So yes…I sort of agree with the O.P. But then again…Total Recall exists.
more like an opera
Poledouris’ score is definitely the best complete score of any Schwarzenegger movie and one of the best movie scores of all time. I can still recite Mako’s intro from memory.
I think you’re forgetting about the cinematic experience that is “jingle All the way”
The real unpopular opinion is in the comments.
Last Action Hero, anyone….anyone?
Put… that… cookie… down.
I agree with you, mostly.
And I’ve seen the opinion expressed a lot. Which means I can’t really call it unpopular, though it also isn’t a majority opinion either.
Where I would disagree is that his performance wasn’t his best overall, despite it being his best movie. A good bit of the work involved came from direction, editing, and the rest of the cast as well. He didn’t, however, do great delivering his lines.
Where I agree is that he didn’t have a lot of lines. Most of what made the character shine was physical and facial. That’s where he was great. He still is superb at that; he plays for the back rows, and it works.
For sure though, it’s still his best movie overall
The Conan soundtrack is truly epic. Put it on while doing chores around the house, suddenly you are doing quests. Cooking? No you are making a feast to celebrate conquest!
I think this is because he was still learning how to act and taking it seriously.
In his later classics, he had developed his persona, which included maintaining his Austrian accent that was so key to his brand.
In a sense, he now mainly plays that character, and any other roles are seen through that lens. But with Conan, he was more flexible of an actor.
folks always sleeping on “kindergarten cop”.
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Mi papa trabajando en la…
I still think the “What is best in life…” bit should replace the pledge of allegience in U.S. grade schools.
Agreed. I’m a sucker for fantasy.
This is right. And if you do not listen then TO HELL WITH YOU!
Wrong. Predator is the best one. But Conan the Barbadian is second.
Conan the Barbadian
I didn’t realize Conan was from Barbados
🤣🤣🤣 this is why I hate using mobile for typing.
To crush your ice, see it dunked into the shaker before you, and to see the glances of their women!
Conan from Barbados making a beachy drinkies.
Why do you like it better than Conan The Destroyer? I mean, other than James Earl Jones being in Barbarian.
Is Red Sonya considered a Conan movie?
If we are using comic book logic, Red Sonya was a spin off of Conan.
Destroyer is PG13 and lacks Subotai. And no Red Sonja is not a Conan movie because he’s a priest named Kalidor.
And no Red Sonja is not a Conan movie because he’s a priest named Kalidor.
I always thought he was Conan but under cover because King Conan couldn’t just go out and adventure easily.
Yeah, Subotai was pretty awesome too.
Not the case but nothing wrong with headcanon.
It’s not better than Commando.
My unpopular opinion is that this movie is just bad lol
Yes, but is it better than the reboot with Jason Momoa?
Don’t even. 😅
I like the bit when he socks a camel right in the jaw
T2 is my fave by far but I need to give Conan another chance.