I was going to, but you beat me to it. There’s also the player with one leg.
I’m colourblind. Looks like a weird second set of lips until I zoomed in.
There’s been 27 leap seconds since 1972. That’s not going to make a big difference in how my microwave heats my food.
Why not? Hitting 6-0 is faster than pressing 1-0-0. Although I just hit the +30 seconds twice so it doesn’t matter.
This clock goes to 11! But it does it right after 1. Weird.
I microwave my potatoes at power level 7 for 7 minutes, 10 minutes if I have a lot of them. Also pierce them and cover them with a moist paper towel.
No, it was more like a news ticker or a tornado warning that would appear when watching live TV.
Literally had one last night. I dreamt there were massive riots with sword and axe armed rioters were smashing up everything. Instead of a regular emergency alert, my phone had scrolling text on a blue background warning about the event.
The bread has mold and there’s weird stuff growing all over it.
God clearly shot first and put a hole in their inflatable boat. This is just self defense.
I misread the title as “Cover your taxes” and got really excited to earn about tax avoidance tips. Legal ones obviously.
France is bacon.
It’s also the fallacy of tolerance. Hard to care about someone dying who in turn would casually reject care for those who were suffering and dying.
When talking about CEOs quitting and getting their golden parachute, I always imagine them walking out of a skyscraper’s open window and casually engaging the parachute and casually drifting away.
I actually loved the sci-fi in that one. The cloning of pets was pretty cool. Also the plot twist was pretty neat. I’ll have to watch it again to see if it holds up.
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
And no Red Sonja is not a Conan movie because he’s a priest named Kalidor.
I always thought he was Conan but under cover because King Conan couldn’t just go out and adventure easily.
Yeah, Subotai was pretty awesome too.
BAZINGA!!! (Hahahahaha)