If you think your Apple phone isn’t listening to you, I have some seaside real estate I’d like to sell you in Montana.
If you think your Apple phone isn’t listening to you, I have some seaside real estate I’d like to sell you in Montana.
I still think the “What is best in life…” bit should replace the pledge of allegience in U.S. grade schools.
Conan doesn’t get the respect it deserves on multiple levels. From Basil Polidouris’s score, to the cinematography, and YES…even the screenplay. Conan was never “just a Arnold action movie”.
I’ve always equated it to more like an opera. Dialogue is honestly sparse. Much like the character of Conan himself, dialogue only exists when it has the most impact, with the rest of the story being told visually. It’s one of the only films I’ve seen where you can put it on mute and still mostly know the broad strokes of what’s going on.
I’ll never not defend this movie. So yes…I sort of agree with the O.P. But then again…Total Recall exists.
It’s already been mentioned, but I’ll throw in for Jitsi. I believe it can also be self-hosted.
I love my Canyon. But it hasn’t helped me with the ladies…
I was going to confirm that yes, 5’1" is a typical shortbox. But I first have to say wow…I haven’t heard that word in a very long time. I love it.
I would absolutely argue (and that’s kind of my point) that the Cybertruck…and ESPECIALLY the Santa Cruz is closer to a coupe utility vehicle rather than a truck.
No no. I’m right there with you. But I keep that part of it for the c/politics community.
Unless you’re also going to claim we don’t need 80% of the trucks we have
I would never presume to claim any such thing. I drive a 2021 Canyon quarter-tonne precisely because I think there is a use case for lighter duty trucks for people like me who aren’t doing much more than hauling home-reno trash to the dump and moving some furniture for friends.
Tesla Cyber-el-camino
Just to add… if the Cybertruck, Ridgeline, etc… are trucks, then so is the El Camino…technically. And that is certainly not true.
What’s this “sharing” thing you’re talking about. I’ve never heard that word…
Doing anything except eating it directly out of the tub just seems like the worst possible study in delayed gratification. I don’t have time for bowls, or cones. When I want my ice cream, I want it now.
I had switched to HeliBoard in order to de-Google as much as possible. I’m not militant about it, but if there’s an alternative I’ll take it.
Decided to try out FUTO because I felt like I was missing swipe typing. And it’s good. But for me it’s just too much. It turns out I didn’t really miss swipe typing, and (possibly just a me issue) that extra feature was making FUTO much less responsive than Heliboard. So back I went.
I guess for me, simple and fast is more important than replicating my old Gboard experience. But each person is different.
This thread took a strange direction…
Will Bluesky eventually enshittify? Probably.
Should people come to Mastodon instead? Of course.
Are there far bigger concerns at the moment? Absolutely.
Whatever Bluesky may or may not turn out to be, the important thing right now is to get people off of X, which we already know is a nazi controlled space. We don’t sabotage that goal by being high and mighty and telling people they’re not leaving to the right place.
One battle at a time.