I might sympathize with them more if they didn’t work just as hard protecting Republican sex-offenders.
I might sympathize with them more if they didn’t work just as hard protecting Republican sex-offenders.
Nope, it’s the one where he’s a clone and flies that cool airplane/helicopter.
I saw him in Marquette, Michigan in the early 90s. The only thing I remember about the performance was “don’t call Natives ‘Native Americans’. America sucks. Just call them Indians.”
Marquette’s pretty much the backwater of Michigan, he must have been working on new material.
It probably requires an app to monitor the wash cycle. All they have to do is start charging a subscription to use the app. If people bought the dishwasher because they would get alerts when their dishes were clean, now they have to pay a recurring fee.
Roku pushed an update to their TVs requiring owners to agree to a new terms of service. There was no “disagree” button, and the TV wouldn’t work until people accepted the changes.
This is such a new problem that it’s never been challenged in court.
There have been instances of network-enabled devices updating to put existing features behind a paywall, unilaterally changing the terms of service (can’t use device anymore until you agree to new terms), and simply removing features that you paid for when you bought the device.
Why does a dishwasher need wifi?
I don’t like spam
“I make online honeypots.”
Scott Adams is my favorite self-destructive asshole. The massive ego goes perfectly with his complete lack of self awareness. He’s a total expert in every field, but all science is fake.
He 100% believes that the 2020 election was stolen, and elections are, by design, incapable of being secure. When a (republican) election expert tried explaining how our elections are actually very secure, and there’s extremely few instances of fraud, Scott’s response was “I’m not reading all that.”
He’s also a trained hypnotist. I’m not sure what that means, it probably has something to do with clown school. Except all education is fake too.
I see a couple people, and some oddly colored blobs.
This would be a good article if the pictures actually showed people wearing the clothes.
I wish people would start uploading their videos to Pornhub so I wouldn’t get embarrassed whenever someone sees the app on my phone.
/s…or am I?
Well, maybe. I didn’t read their claims, nor I use signal.
Your opinions are invalid.
Any “secure” so that relies on someone else for security is not secure.
Fuck the scope of E2EE. Signal makes a lot of claims on their website that are laughable. The desktop app is their main weakness. Attachments are stored unencrypted, keys in plaintext. If they were serious about security, they would depricate the windows app and block it from their servers.
WTF does Apple have to do with anything?
They can’t control if the encryption keys are stored in plaintext?
Why is Signal almost universally defended whenever another security flaw is discovered? They’re not secure, they don’t address security issues, and their business model is unsustainable in the long term.
But, but, if you have malware “you have bigger problems”. But, but, an attacker would have to have “physical access” to exploit this. Wow, such bullshit. Do some of you people really understand what you’re posting?
But, but, “windows is compromised right out of the box”. Yes…and?
But, but, “Signal doesn’t claim to be secure”. Fuck off, yes they do.
But, but, “just use disk encryption”. Just…no…WTF?
Anybody using Signal for secure messaging is misguided. Any on of your recipients could be using the desktop app and there’s no way to know unless they tell you. On top of that, all messages filter through Signal’s servers, adding a single-point-of-failure to everything. Take away the servers, no more Signal.
I played with this a couple times. Once it located a nondescript stream in the UP of Michigan to within 200 miles. It knew the picture was taken in the UP. The second was a ferry dock in a foreign country (English speaking). It found a sign and that misdirected it to the other side of the country.