This is what I actually thought was gonna happen when I first watched the movies.
Sam was gonna finally snap and just shove Frodo into the lava
Would have been perfectly sensible both in terms of saving the world and because of what a bitch he was.
Just not in any other ways, like it going against essentially his entire character and the ring not allowing it, among others.
Yes and the eagles are bitches for coming in so late. But seriously, it is fine.
Now have him come back from the lava as Vader, and end with the other “Nooo”.
Why didn’t Elrond do a whole this is Sparta kick and shove Isidular when he whispered no?
I guess elves like their own rings too much.
Sauron was thought dead.
The ring would then just be a powerful ring.
It doesn’t even turn people evil by itself, just overly possessive.But I thought Sauron was linked to the ring so if the ring is alive so is Sauron?
Yeah, but I don’t think anyone knew until gandalf and others actually saw sauron around the Hobbit movie time?
On the other hand, I thought they’re all technically immortal: sauron, saruman, gandalf - the maiar.
Not sure tbh.
Waiting for the follow up meme of Legolas throwing Gimli in
And my axe!
Aragorn throwing Eowyn in.
Dragon’s dogma 2 be like
Simply the best mechanic for escort quests. Fuck trying to understand the pathfinding; just carry the dude to their destination!
Also quest with Prince and Queen, simply yeet queen to prince room and quest completed
Too soon
Lord of the Yeets
Release the butthole cut Jackson!
Elijah Wood and Sean Astin re-enact this meme with Baldur’s Gate 3:
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