NYC had an entire article about how it reached 40 degrees one day a few years ago saying it was the first time since the '50s.
Sydney hit 50 degrees a few years ago, we hit 40 every year in every city.
Summer averages don’t tell the full story.
If you don’t even reach the 30s you’re fucking cold. Brr Canada sounds horrible.
I still don’t think most homes in Aus have A/C, we survive just fine.
What was this webcomic called again?
I think I remember something with clones and a wacky storyline when I stopped reading it 20 years ago.
I’ve no idea what it is, so from my understanding it’s:
Changing the angle a wave is viewed from?
If that is the case, do waves have width?
So you’re saying it’s okay to potentially take the life of some innocent person worse off than you in a foreign country as long as you can advance out of your own position?
It’s tradition for alien invasions to start off by blowing up some city in America.
It’s Top Gear, so it failed spectacularly.
Looks at the Lemmy devs
They deny genocide and are transphobic
.me laughs
The only person watering down the word here is you?
As a 90s kid I was running over Hare Krishnas before my double digits.
Sorry I’m going to need you to turn in your hetero card.
They went through a lot of actors for that.
And we’re discussing how some “options” are not options at all, they fall under the bad label and the degree of difference is irrelevant.
Right so you go with 1.
You don’t go with left fash/2 or right fash/3, those are out of the question.
Would you have a discussion in favour of racism or homophobia?
I don’t engage JAQing off.
Both are bad, neither is preferable. The world is not binary, you have other options.
Theory is for idiots, time would be better spent on praxis than sitting around circle jerking about what we would do.
Absolutely haram.