Every retail worker’s nightmare
I can tolerate Mariah, the one I can’t stand is the band aid one, patronising crap. Every damn year I gotta put up with those muppets telling me how nothing ever grows in Africa. Dammit, now I have it in my head!
Watch white people end poverty in Africa with this one simple song!!
Yesterday I found out that, far beyond being aware of the phenomenon (because how could she or anyone in the US NOT?), she actively celebrates it!
She calls this time “Mariah szn” 🤮
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Nah, at a certain point you don’t need any more money and it’s just pathological hoarding.
As a hectomillionaire three times over, she probably passed that point before she even released that particular song.
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The span between the two Mariah marathons is awfully too short
What’s the other one?
Next Christmas
🎶all i want for Christmasssss…is youuuuuuuuu🎶
I actually really like that song, lol 🎄 🫠
YoooooOooou baby
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Hey at least she gets you the easiest Legendary Unique monster in Monster Rancher.