Someone on Lemmy once calculated that he could lose 99% of his net value, then lose 99% of what’s left and he’d still be a multimillionaire. From the 320B, that would still leave him with 32M.
I literally just looked up the swastikar hashtag on Mastodon 🤭
Is the hate more of an American thing because of the association with MLMs and their inflated claims?
Here in the UK, they’re used for minor ailments, relaxation and general fragrancing. If you tried to advertise them as a cancer cure, you’d get into a lot of trouble. I don’t like the smell of lavender, but I love how good it is for sore throats and minor burns (stops blistering and scarring if you put it on as soon as you’ve finished cooling it).
Speaking of burns, I only got the memo recently, so for those who also missed it, the advice is now to use tepid water to cool a burn rather than cold (apparently because colder water will make the blood vessels constrict so the heat doesn’t leave as quickly).
Nah, my parents weren’t shocked at how messed up I turned out, they were just even more angry at me.
UK here. It’s the reverse for me.
Your honour, I’m just really excited to be here!
For me it was the advert:
Ya will, ya will, ya will, ya will!
(┛`д´)┛彡┻━┻ ヾ(;゚Д゚;)シ
The Breen is something you need the moral support of others to watch. I traumatised a colleague by making him and another friend watch Twisted Pair with me. I watched two Breens alone after that, since the other two refused to watch any more with me, and it was painful.
“I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not. I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not.”
(Is that lines from a Breen film, or my reaction after watching a Breen film?)
They maintain the Breen is a troll, but I think he’s got delusions of grandeur and really thinks he’s making these deep masterpieces.
I don’t know, though. I’m someone who gave up on Linux Mint because I just couldn’t get it to work properly. I wouldn’t say I’m tech inclined. I used a button phone until 2022. I only got a smartphone because my sim stopped working with my Nokia. The only issue I had with Lemmy was the sign up (it was during the reddit exodus so the sign ups weren’t going through, but I’m glad cos I nearly joined ml).
Mastodon was easy as heck to join. I got a friend to sign up, no issues, and he has no idea what the fediverse even is.
Nope, not using Firefox on mobile. (I do on Linux mint though, and even with ublock I still got YouTube ads last time I was able to actually connect to the Internet.)
I’ve never got one of those anti-adblocker messages on YouTube and I just use a vanilla browser with no addons and I get zero ads. The Channel 4 website won’t let me watch anything without disabling the adblocker, so it’s not like my browser is in some super stealth mode where servers can’t tell I’m blocking ads. I’m not complaining though.
Thanks, I’ve been wondering!
What did you type? I keep seeing this glyph in messages. I assume it’s not supposed to look like this?
Add an exclamation mark at the start.