Any actual cases of this?
I’d imagine you wouldn’t sue someone just for this. It’s probably like, if you were paralysed in an accident that someone else caused, you’d sue for damages, etc., as well as loss of enjoyment of life. But I’m not a law person, so maybe I’m wrong
It’s just a type of injury. Injuries themselves don’t give you a right to sue, you have to be injured by someone else doing something wrong.
Can I sue for blindness? Yes, if someone caused my blindness in a way that they’d be liable for. Same with other injuries like broken bones or lost employment or embarrassment or paralysis.
So if someone drives drunk and hits you with their car, paralyzing you and causing loss of enjoyment of life, you can sue them and would have to prove liability (they caused your injury in a way that causes them to have to pay for it) and damages (the amount of money they owe you based on how injured you are). Something like loss of enjoyment of life would be part of the second part of the analysis.
If it were me, I would start with a significant majority of my grade school teachers.
Same. Teachers can get away with a lot.
there is a lot of people who just have issues that can be the source of unhappiness (depression) etc. that may not have been created by an outside source. This is massively problematic in that a person stops learning to cope and just hunting for people to hurt. the lines get mighty blurry between victim and monster.
If my mother is even still alive I’m sure she’s already wasted all the money from the divorce back in '98.