The hero America needs right now.
The hero America needs right now.
Cool, glad for y’all.
Hey, now that you’ve taken care of that, we’re having a little fascism problem here in America. We were wondering if you could, ya’know, return that little favor we did for ya in the 1940s?
I sure af ain’t saying we were wrong. I just have no power to do anything about it.
I mean history is ambiguous about it, but it usually tends to be more bad than good. Usually.
In America that bill could force you to choose between food or rent.
Oh don’t worry, they won’t stop you from getting the anesthesia - they’re just going to make you pay 1000% above the wholesale price of it. Which you can negotiate down just like Blue Cross does. Good luck with that though. Anyway who knows, maybe their CEO will go visit New York.
Seems like that shut her up right quick lol
So go to Europe.
No no, that’s the perpetual mash of temporary blindness.
My dream is one where exclusive and limited edition physical game content isn’t exclusive or limited anymore. Because you’re fucking over latecomers who don’t have $1k+ to spend on that shit a decade later, dipshits. At least make that stuff available digitally as PDF and STL files.
Also no more AI slop.
A super fast car is a toy, fast electronics are useful tools.
Short answer, yes.
In 2018, Indian minister for higher education Satyapal Singh baffled the scientific community by demanding that the theory of evolution be removed from school curriculum becaue “no one ever saw an ape turning into a human being.” Other political leaders from the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party came to his defense on social media.
Okay the evolution part, though stupid, is religious fundie par for the course. But middle school geometry? Are they fucking retarded?
I wonder where you live that that happened. In America you’re expected to say no, cashiers don’t care. They don’t get paid enough to.
Specifically, sleep is for next week, I got shit to do.
The next week: Sleep is for next week, I got shit to do.
A Harsh Wasteland
This’ll last until somebody with a mask spray paints the cameras.
Women: I only date TALL men!
Tall men:
How else are you supposed to get your daily dose of Vitamin P?