Cry harder in defense of bigots you bigot snowflake.
Cry harder in defense of bigots you bigot snowflake.
Do you? Him being fired from community for going on a racist diatribe off camera isn’t acting. Neither are his divorces over his drinking.
It’s Chevy chase. A drunk racist. If you’ve not heard of him consider yourself for the better. There are far better movies that celebrate the season without having to employ and hold up a piece of shit as a hero.
Chevy chase as a human is a drunk racist. If you start relating to this man you need to take a hard look at your life.
Manson didn’t kill anyone directly. Doesn’t mean he was not innocent of murder
He only died in prison cuz he didn’t wear a tie and go to board meetings
Let’s compare the plethora of murders under the belt of who he killed. They were human beings too.
And it’s such a nice compliment to the salty ham
Yes, lemme take up your time so I can feel like I’m doing something good and caring but then I don’t want to carry the responsibility of what consequences that might bring.
No im not leaving. Because The racist cries provide best tasting tears.
Ahh now the racist is using ad hominem. Stay classy.
You keep saying “many didn’t want this” as if to continually disclaimer while you take a shit on people. This is “I’m not a racist but” defence.
Tbf if you or had a family member constantly denied life savings for chemo/antibiotics/insulin it’s probably a valid feels and ima let America have the front page on this one. Empathy. Go get some.
Surely you can find human connection than just at a checkout. We don’t have to inconvenience everyone and refit everything in our world just so someone can have a conversation with someone else. I mean we still have public areas other than a shopping place that’s meant to stand around and have convos that doesn’t plug up everyone else’s time.
some people don’t want it wait for a million years for the person in front of them with 600 items to get through.
Some solutions are not just about solving one thing or a personal attack.
Depends on the situation, like
If it’s drunk parents who beat their kids and one of those kids is your friend. Npd is pretty common as well as generational trauma. And some eras where sexual abuse on young kids was considered ‘hazing’.
That’s not to say some kids can be little shits that make that stuff up in order to watch someone suffer.
But either way these are all presumptions before hearing the story and it would be unfair to pick a side or assassinate character before knowing.
Ah I see he’s implementing his own form of brain control on the masses.
Oh goodie, first world problems. Never get sick of hearing ungrateful privileged people act the most oppressed by their super easiest problems to fix.
Can’t be any worse than the linux rabbit holes on here over just mention of anything electronic. I’m not even arguing it’s like someone obsessed with garden tools and that’s all they can talk about.
To them: Just give it a rest for a second please and talk about literally anything else going on in your life maybe even stick to the topic once in a while.
It’s sad when fanboys make AI generated output seem more interesting and well adjusted.
If the catered ads weren’t so obvious that pretty much most social platforms are stealing your data, not sure what is.
Nothing is free. Especially a ‘free’ account. You are the product at that point.