save game
manual autosave game
save game
save and exit game
"I don’t think I have trust issues. Why do you ask?
I would also add in saving to a separate save slot, just in case.
That’s probably the second “save game” lol
Ok good. That makes me more comfortable.
Save game
Exit game
“Are you sure you want to Exit? Unsaved changed may be lost.”
Save game
Go to Load Game screen to check that it was saved
Exit game
You forgot suspending the game and creating an image of the memory.
Manual saves are often a lot more stable than automatic saves.
When you think about it, every save is manual one, like in order to use “automatic” save, you have to actually launch the game and play it
Auto save
Quick save
Manual save
Save to new slot
Exit game
Check to make sure it’s there
Turn off steam deck for the first time in 3 weeks
Fun fact: pretty much all exit-saves in Bethesda games (Skyrim, Fallout, etc.) are not necessarily complete in their Data. There are actual cases where these can be easily corrupted and won’t work on a reload or even introduce long time save corruption if you use them. Don’t ever trust an exit-save in those games! (Source: me fooling around with the save system too much)
quick save is also pretty fucked in their games. highly recommend getting a mod that replaces the quicksave keybind with something that creates a manual save with an autogenerated name. (that is not how bethesda implements quicksave, for some reason.)
:w :x
F5, ALT+F4.
Live fast die young.
Save. Save save. Savesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesavesave. Exit. Are you sure?
staring at save screen
Wait, did I just save, or do I still need to save?
zones out while processing save again
save, save (just to be sure), exit. But never save and exit.
Plus Ludusavi afterwards to backup the saves !
Save game twice, but then don’t actually exit game just in case it didn’t actually save
DayZ master race. No saving available.
Didn’t it have some combat logging thing
There’s a 15 second delay for logging out but yeah, you can log out mid-firefight and many people do. However the point was that when you die you don’t get to try again from last save - you start again from zero.
It was a lot of fun. A lot of just walking around, checking out houses, mundane stuff really and then suddenly someone starts shooting and you fucking panic and try to run aaand you’re dead game over. 20 hours of game time gone.
No other game has got me so panicky, it was awesome. You really really really don’t want to die after a while, but you also sorta forget to be as careful if nothing happens
It is by far my favourite game ever. I’m not aware of any other quite like it. The level of immersion is insane and like you said, you really don’t want to die and lose everything you’ve been working for tens of hours. The base game itself is not that difficult once you get the hang of it but the fact that you may get shot at by other player literally at any moment changes everything. It’s an absolutely massive map and even if there was like only 5 other people playing you still can’t let your guard down because one may be in the same town as you. I just wish people were more willing to talk instead of shooting on sight, though I can’t really blame them.
After all the times I’ve gotten blasted when trying to be nice towards someone…
But some of the best moments from that game are when I’ve actually managed to find nice people.
Can’t relate, I’ve always just save and exited if it offers that.
Out of curiosity about how old are you? Back in my day sometimes saving just didn’t work which is where I built up the habit of saving a couple times. For really important saves using two slots was best just in case one spontaneously corrupted as well
Let’s just say that I don’t think that’s it. I think I’ve just been lucky and also saving often enough that going back one save isn’t a concern