the post is highlighting the hypocrisy in refrigerating milk while also being against milk pasteurization, since both of those practices have been done for around a hundred years and serve to make milk last longer and be safer to drink.
proud recipient of the prestigious you tried award.
the post is highlighting the hypocrisy in refrigerating milk while also being against milk pasteurization, since both of those practices have been done for around a hundred years and serve to make milk last longer and be safer to drink.
i walk the middle path (doing both somehow)
or something used in “fertility rituals”
i am both people in this picture
my secret for dealing with winter mornings is a healthy collection of warm fuzzy socks. (although warm slippers work well for this too.) i always keep a pair right next to my bed so they’re waiting for me the second i get out of bed. i then put on some warm pants and maybe a robe too. it means i don’t have to choose between being in bed and being warm and cozy. i’m always warm and cozy at home.
quick save is also pretty fucked in their games. highly recommend getting a mod that replaces the quicksave keybind with something that creates a manual save with an autogenerated name. (that is not how bethesda implements quicksave, for some reason.)
probably just got his pentagrams mixed up with his sexagrams (don’t google that by the way)
i always happy to recommend new tv shows. recently i’ve liked
some of these are stronger than others, but i enjoyed all of them and thought they were quite good. i also tried to make the list have a decent range. also my experience has been that the netflix descriptions of tv shows are just universally pretty terrible and i probably wouldn’t have watched many of these shows had i paid attention to the description.
my experience has been that those kinds of shows are more likely to have characters that behave like high schoolers. more drama, impulsiveness, etc. i also find it frustrating when i’m watching a show and the characters do things that, in my opinion, don’t make any sense. i also don’t enjoy it much when the major plot points are about high school relationships.
i’m sure there are many shows that don’t fit into this characterization i’ve described, but my experience has been that they tend to be the exception rather than the norm. and there are only so many shows in the world that i will have time to watch. i’m not trying to say that shows about high schoolers are objectively bad either, just that they aren’t for me, in this stage of my life.
my personal rule is that, now that i’m an adult, i will generally not watch or read anything where the main characters are high schoolers. it has served me well
the picture on the bottom right is from a water park for cars, it is NOT global warning
i’m going to take this as a consolation prize for the infowars onion sale getting rejected
the explanation i received a long time ago in grade school was:
commas should be used when you want to combine a sentence with a sentence fragment (i.e. something that’s not a sentence); semicolons should be used when you want to combine a sentence with another sentence, provided both sentences are closely related to each other.
now, i’m sure the actual rule is probably more complicated and nuanced than that, but the above idea has served me well throughout my academic career. i’ve found it helpful for getting an intuition on when they should be used and why.
tablet screen size is okay, but really the people who want bigger screens should be buying tvs. not to mention they have the advantage of being cheaper than tablets. but even tv screens can only get so big. a really cost effective way to get a big screen would just be to go to a movie theater. that’s like 10 dollars(?) for 2 hours of access to a huge screen.
the cool theory you don’t understand is very likely also math
i always interpret “watch to the end” as being a euphemism for “i did not edit this video properly” or “ipad babies are the intended audience of this video”. in any case, i will not be watching that video.
it’s because the eggs expect to be warm and they punish you if you let them get cold. same reason chickens sit on them before they hatch.
the other chemicals are always going to be plastic, just under a different name
from a topological perspective, it’s pretty uncontroversial to say that the earth is indeed a hotdog.