Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • I just finished a player of games a few months ago! Someone suggested the series to me here on lemmy (perhaps you? Lol. I never take note of screen names when I should), and I read Phlebas and APoG before I got distracted. It’s so good. Like ridiculously good. Phlebas wasn’t quite my speed, not bad by any stretch, I just found myself wishing for more of what there was little of and less of what there was much of, but APoG was fantastic and exactly what I was looking for!

  • They’re also allowed to name their successors. If he’s really as concerned with the direction of the church as he has claimed, you’d think he’d ensure who’s gonna be wearing the fancy red shoes in the coming years. But honestly, I think he’s not quite as concerned about that as he’s lead on. He strikes as me as a radical centrist, it just looks progressive compared to so many of the others.

  • Basically, yeah. If you’re around it long enough then natural curiosity is gonna get the better of you eventually, and then you find out it ain’t half bad and get a liking for it.

    We’ve gone the opposite direction in the last few years, though. We don’t buy dog food anymore, and just make our own because it’s cheaper (and can be purchased using EBT/food stamps) and better for them .

  • I mean, I don’t think any of us were particularly bad about hygiene? It was more just sort of boy-stink. Lol. In fairness, it was coastal Virginia, summer time, in an un air conditioned room, with the only time the door got opened being when one of us had to pee. Lol. To be honest, I remember it almost fondly. Like, the stale smell of it when every one was gone was horrid, but the smell of the room, the hot TV and console, and all my buddies crammed together wasn’t bad when it was going on. Just during the week afterwards. Lol.

    That said, I have some unique opinions on smells, so grain of salt and all lol

    But also, yes, God, the moldy Chinese food-- yuck

  • So, I missed LAN parties, but me and my buddies used to all get together (normally at my house) and play console games and d&d, and I feel like it has pretty similar vibes.

    Some seriously amazing times. The thing I remember most distinctly, though, is the smell. A dozen 12-15 year old boys who don’t yet understand the necessity of deodorant, all crammed into a bedroom, basically sitting on top of each other. The smell was loud. My room used to reek of it for 5 or 6 days, just in time for next Saturday to roll around and stink it up again. Lol.

  • Because they did some stuff a while back with closed source code, and it scared me off. I’m not the most tech literate person, so I mainly base my stuff off what the open source nerds tell me to do. With a password manager in particular I wanted to be on something open source, because I don’t trust big corpos not to backdoor into my shit, especially since I don’t really understand how it works and don’t know how to keep myself safe other than listening to people who know more than I do. So when the open source folks started saying get off bitwarden, I did, because I saw what happened with other password managers that had leaks and hacks. Plus, I wanted a vpn anyway (and now actually need one if I want to watch porn in my Christofascist state), and they only charge me like 20 bucks for everything.