“haha you failed” well someone had to keep your girlfriend happy
The reward is the giant nut you get on Dec 1st.
You only need like a week of not cumming to get a huge load and potential increased sensitivity back. Unless you’re a chronic masturbator with death grip, in which case a month would probably be better lol
I bought into the propaganda and tried it hoping that it would cure my pr0n addiction- but on day 6 I got extremely horny and am currently relapsing so hard that I’m now wasting entire afternoons from 1 to 11 committing war crimes against enough sperm to fill a water bottle, depriving my body of precious water and protein and making it interfere even more with my sleep, social and homework schedules than it already did. I completely gave up on it when I saw the edgelords making fun of people who failed and thinking “ooh it’s gonna give us levitation powers or something!!1”
It used to be called Movember and was meant to highlight mens sexual health. Testicular and prostate cancer.
Not ejaculating can increase the risk of prostate cancer and reduces the chance of you spotting testicular cancer lumps.
So people have switched from a healthy activity and awareness campaign to a stupid, unhealthy and pointless campaign.
Well done.
They’re different things. Movember still exists. NNN started as a meme evolving from the nofap movement only because of alliteration.
your reminder that NNN was created because the adherents thought it would give them magical powers.
thing is a mental illness top to bottom
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kinda. IIRC some greentext 4chan anon said it gave them superhuman concentration which kicked it off.
Probably it just meant they concentrated normally without jerking off 10 times a day
There was a crazy semen retention subreddit that was just filled with paragraphs about how not cumming gave them super powers.
It was very weird.
It’s almost cultlike, very unsettling.
Man, yall really hate men who want to take a fun self-control challenge and maybe end an unhealthy relationship with pornography, huh?
It’s still a “fun self-control challenge” if you just stop watching porn for the month. Nothing wrong with that. But the masturbation part is just silly religious stuff with a dash of prostate cancer.