There are multiple instances pushing propaganda and most data can just be scraped by bots. It may be harder, but capitalism finds a way.
There are multiple instances pushing propaganda and most data can just be scraped by bots. It may be harder, but capitalism finds a way.
The last panel applies to every other social media, just replace the spying country.
Metalingus by Alter Bridge, gotta get me in a fighting mood.
I’m glad people are finally coming around to this. There is still fun to be had in Skyrim, but it released around the same time as Dark Souls, Witcher 2, Risen 2 and Fable 3 among others. Not all of them are better games, however Skyrim most certainly isn’t the best one.
As always, you guys are way too fixated on size.
It’s still a “fun self-control challenge” if you just stop watching porn for the month. Nothing wrong with that. But the masturbation part is just silly religious stuff with a dash of prostate cancer.
I’m actually impressed you created that one 2 years ago, I assumed you just did it for this joke.