Please suggest a good and relatively affordable private email provider. I am considering tuta, mailbox right now. I know proton has gone rogue.
I cannot self host one and the email provider must be somewhat reputable as I will be using this for my work portfolio. Anything with €1-€3 per month is encouraged.
Proton logs users IP addresses and shares with law enforcement
Like all others, as it’s a legal obligation. But they can’t give a lot more, as the mail themselves are encrypted.
I don’t care about that. I assume all sites keeps logs.
As legally required. Any company that wants to operate aboveboard needs to comply with local law - that includes Proton.
That’s why you don’t run a secure email/vpn company from a country that’s shit for privacy laws.
Switzerland is one of the least shit so I fail to see your point.
You proton zealots certainly have your own hill
They may, as do morons.
Is that your choice word for me?
If the hat fits, that’s up to you ;)
As with any EU company, the Swiss government can compel them to keep logs in the case of serious crime. You can use Tor as Proton recommends for that exact use case.
But by default Proton does not keep logs of IP addresses.
Switzerland is not in the EU.
They have extremely similar laws in Switzerland
“extremely” …switzerland knows ONE law and it is called money.