At this point, I’m not even going to bother trying to go on there anymore.
Workaround if you are using uBlock Origin:, reddit_session, 0), reddit_session, 0)
Add this to your filters.
Jokes on them I block them on the DNS level.
I’m making a list, and I’ll be checking it thrice lol.
Gonna ban all major sites and IPs. The Internet used to be about the small guy not the downtown.
Your meter could use some work but it sings well enough
Evil bastards will continue to wring every bit of tracked engagement they can, now that they’re publicly traded. It’s the only way to satisfy capitalist markets. Woooooo!
I’m glad I’m over here now.
And I just discovered this some weeks ago. The “woah there, pardner!” is so cringeworthy.
Changed my upvote to a downvote. Please dont post screenshots of text. Just copy & paste the text here (instead).
They really want to track you
VPNs don’t prevent tracking, especially when you’re logging into services.
They can help obfuscate your identity to varying degrees, but honestly this is a pretty odd decision. I’m guessing it has more to do with malicious activity, or some other type of activities that Reddit is trying to curtail, and they feel blocking VPN IP ranges will help them.
Many users don’t log in. After the fall of the 3rd party apps, I only use the rdx webapp if I want to view reddit. I don’t log in with an account at all anymore. So all of my data looks like some anon browsing from the same VPN server as hundreds of other anons. Yes they can analyze all of that traffic and individualize it, but that takes work. I’m glad to make them expend more effort, even if they get the same data in the end. Every step that makes it less cost effective for them is better, even if not perfect.
Reddit taught me to never trust a silicon valley, centralized, proprietary service on the internet with my data and/or content
Well you shouldn’t trust a public, decentralized, open source personally hosted service either.
I don’t really know who’s hosting the Lemmy or other fediverse services I use and what access they have to the data that we post on there.
Basically, you shouldn’t trust any online service with your data and your posts.