The inability to relock the bootloader is gigantic security vulnerability. It negates, or entirely voids, a significant amount of a devices physical security, including FDE.
There are other security issues with LineageOS, but that’s part of the trade-off. There’s nothing inherently sinister or incompetent about that, it’s just the nature of the beast.
Regardless, I’m not here to chastise anyone’s choice of OS, or to even imply that there is a right, and wrong ROM, there isn’t.
I was just pointing out that there are pros and cons, and users should be aware of them when making those decisions.
Did you ever stop and think that maybe the problem with Gen Z was their lack of coal mining experience before the age of 12?
If this is your first time thinking about it, let me save you the trouble and assure you that yes, that is the problem.
So, long story short, we need to elect legislators that will finally allow young children back to working full-time in the mining industries.
Except for OP, it seems like they already have all the health benefits that come from spending an entire childhood breathing in coal dust.