with keyboard sounds
Ok, I see you are intentionally going in circles.
Don’t be worse than Russia. Please fix.
with keyboard sounds
Ok, I see you are intentionally going in circles.
The goal is not to identify keyboard model. The goal is to identify person. And people tend to have something called habbits.
Incremental scientific research delivers new possible features -> funding hype to be first to market -> engineering builds products based on new tech -> people learn what it can and cannot do through use -> hype dies and funding dries up (you are here for LLMs) -> less funding stops engineering new products and research continues incremental changes until repeat.
TLDR: AI works on goverment funding.
Not exactly. Timing between key presses can be used to identify people.
Did they become american company?
Well, at least models are downloadable.
Erased by obrital friendship canon.
and claimed as their own
You are talking about either right for name or right of authorship. I don’t remember which is which, but in normal countries(aka in Europe) it is inalienable right, unlike copyright, which can be sold.
If you want copyright THAT badly, you should demand making it inalienable instead of protecting status quo of total publisher’s control.
EDIT: right for name is to have your name on art, right of authorship is to call yourself author.
EDIT2: copytight outside of capitalism just does not make sense.
You are overexaggerating under assumption that there will exist social and economic system based on greed and death threats, which sounds very unreali-- Right, capitalism.
criticizing genAI from a copyright
There is russian phrase “fight of beaver and donkey”, which loosely means fight of two shits. Copyright is cancer and capitalist abuse of genAI is cancer.
If you “talk to” a LLM on your GPU, it is not making any calls to the internet,
No, I’m talking about https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_memory_algorithm
Unrelated to RAGs
Just buy used PC. Same perf, lower price.
You can always uses system memory too. Not exactly an UMA, but close enough.
Or just use iGPU.
Aren’t LLMs external algorithms at this point? As in the all data will not fit in RAM.
My Little Glasses: Optics is Magic
Then why murder than happened on same day had no manhunt?
“Why save billions, when we can save millions?”