I mean it’s not really… Once bitten, twice shy. After 20 years of being bitten I’m pretty much amaxophobic towards the brand.
I mean it’s not really… Once bitten, twice shy. After 20 years of being bitten I’m pretty much amaxophobic towards the brand.
They’ve sucked for the last 20 years, why would the next 20 be any different?
American cars are so bad. We did ~3000k of driving last year in the US and noticed that most of the cars on the road were new. Didn’t take long to realise why - between terrible driving standards causing them to crash regularly, terrible build quality causing the interior to fall apart, and needing to drive EVERYWHERE so you flog the thing out in about 12 months vehicles are practically disposable.
There were late model cars still rocking the flashing brake light as an indicator wtf lol
On the plus side, the more people who don’t use password managers the more chance us password manager users will remain not worth the effort.
It’s kinda like security through obscurity mixed with only having to be faster than the slowest person to outrun a lion.
Oh, right.
You could try an extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/cookiewhitelist/
Sadly that is not an option for firefox on android yet
People who still use Twitter: why?
Classic Apple user, IMO
No wonder they don’t sell it anywhere else - wouldn’t meet local safety requirements.
I liked a recent BYD Shark teardown video by some American mob… Their biggest complaint was that it was “overbuilt” lol
Fire up them tariffs lads, protectionism is the only thing ensuring sales.