Un Dorian Gray sin pasado, ni patria ni bandera.

I’m just a guy in the #pnw who likes going on adventures, and playing games with friends.

Three things I love: the Oxford Comma, irony, and missed opportunities.

#hiking #camping #backpacking #ttrpg #linux #foss #OpenSource #pathfinder2e #pf2e #pathfinder #travel #knitting #baking #games #pdx #privacy #lgbtq #fedi22

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • Hey, thanks for your advice, and honestly the permission to be okay with not using it. I lost sight of that and it’s a good reminder. I am a little concerned for the noise and power consumption that everyone is talking about, especially since I don’t have an out of the way place to stick it.

    That said, while I might ultimately not use it, I will at least learn enough to get it running. And like you said, fail a lot. But if I don’t have anything on it, failure won’t be so painful when I inevitability have to start over.

    I’ll have to get some sort of adapter for VGA, and thanks for the talking about idrac. I had seen that mentioned on the server and had no idea what it was. So is the idrac website I’m connecting to like the website on routers used for configuration?