It looks like Cardinal Sin died in 2085 2005. I guess he was a mortal Sin.
It looks like Cardinal Sin died in 2085 2005. I guess he was a mortal Sin.
There is or was one from the Philippines named Cardinal Sin.
Might be worth patching fail2ban to recognize the scrapers and block them in iptables.
I’m satisfied. Virmach has had ups and downs but their network is fast too.
If you want something Hetzner-like in North America, you might look at OVH. They have a data center in Beauharnois (BHS), Canada, which is near Quebec. It’s not too different from using a server in the Northeast US.
That article is almost 4 months old and yeah, the internet in EU is better than in the US. But you can get US plans with plenty of bandwidth. I’ve been happy with and there are many others. Hang out on for a while to get a sense of things.
Very reliable hard drives don’t exist whatever the price. You need RAID. But, look at backblaze drive reliability statistics to identify some obvious problem drives to avoid. It would help if you said what you are trying to do with the drives, what capacity you want, etc.
If you look closely, a .epub is just a zip archive of a bunch of very simple html pages. So extracting the zip and viewing the HTML with a browser works fine.
It’s only the Pico 2 that has security features, and they are crackable, though not easily. Another alternative might be a smart card.
Nice try, Special Agent Hnp.
Fossify gallery, FreeOTP, Markor text editor, and maybe Jami if I can get it to work on other phones. FreeOTP might have been late 2023 when I got my current phone, but close enough. I’m not sure whether I used Termux before that, on my old phone. Oh yes, Flash Alert, I’m surprised if that isn’t standard in Android. It flashes the camera led when the phone rings. That makes it much easier to find the phone if you’re not sure where it is, and it is face down. It would be great if it also flashed the screen.
This is a good idea and I’ve been wanting to suggest it for Markor, which I generally like. On a full sized computer I use Org mode with git and that works well.
I don’t bother with a proxy host or with LetsEncrypt, though I guess you could use LetsEncrypt perfectly well. Back when I was doing this, LetsEncrypt didn’t exist and you had to actually pay for public certificates, so using locally generated free ones saved money. It also had a minor(?) security advantage in that if the private server key somehow leaked, it wouldn’t let people impersonate our internet domain.
For the private CA I simply used the crappy script that comes with OpenSSL or did at the time. There are much better ways to do it, especially at any kind of scale, but sufficed dealing with a few development machines.
Proxy host out on the public internet? Usually I just use a local private CA for this, and install the CA root in my browser.
The initial post is a somewhat incomprehensible rant but I think the objection is that any number of skeezy websites all have domains pointing to the same Cloudflare IP. So when a malware app opens a TLS connection to one of those domains, the shared IP doesn’t tel you anything, and the ECH prevents you from seeing with Wireshark just whose home the malware is phoning. You have to resort to more drastic methods like intercepting DNS. Better yet, don’t run malware.
E5 because it supportsECC memory.
Lol, oops, fixed. :)