thanks i’ll start reading soon ;-)
zfs is interesting, but i still don’t ‘need’ it. however its on my tolearn list maybe just after dnssec
thanks i’ll start reading soon ;-)
zfs is interesting, but i still don’t ‘need’ it. however its on my tolearn list maybe just after dnssec
And how you describe the email addresses for individual purpose is excellent. Spam? Want me to unsubscribe? How about I delete the email address, and you waste your time emailing? I love it!
it actually has yet another upside. when i do receive spam or phishing on such an alias, i go to the portal or shop, change my emailadress to a newly created alias and then i also write an email to the service describing that i got a spam or phishing mail to the email alias, only they and me know about, i also cite how many other spam mails i got for other aliases (usually zero) and suggest that the data was lost on rather their side, not mine. In the past companies usually ofzen “assumed” that their customers used the email elsewehere and the leak on their side was just a hypothesis easily denyable, but only two parties knowing about that address while only that particular address was leaked seems somewhat more convincing to them. of course it could be anything their webserver, their cloud provider, some third party their cloud provider uses, some fourth party their cloud providers provider uses , their email provider, newsletter provider, proxies like cloudflare a.s.o., but as i host my emails by myself, there is not other party involved on my side (besides the VM provider) but at least not without then leaking “all” of my other aliases at the very same time. that happened a few times until now over the years and it really feels great beeing on the “capable to prevent and react” side of it =) that is you really know who failed then, you can offer that little help that they know that too and can prevent their one-time-leak from annoying you more than once.
also interestingly: it was until now always the “good” looking companies that failed this way, not those a bit dodgy looking webpages where i only subscribed to their newsletter cause i could turn off spam anyway.
however i had the idea of parsing logs for all deleted aliases so that i get statistics of how long spammers keep trying after they got ‘unknown user’ first time. but i didnt implement that yet.
the vpn login to my home is one way of reaching the email account on the home server. the way i do it is that my VM -the internetfacing mail server - actually has a vpn server and my home server logs into that. on the VM i run a haproxy with port 443 open anyway for similar things. the haproxy determines what connection it is by SNI value and decides what to do with it. for smtp and imap i use ssl as encryption with client certificate (easy-rsa same i use for vpn). one of which is terminated at the haproxy checking client cercificate there, the other is terminated in the homeserver, but both connections go throug haproxy and through vpn to the homeserver and thats as stable as my internet connection at home, where the ip changes sometimes. you maybe would not have the VM as emailserver, but i guess you want to check emails also when not at home, thats why i asked for vpn. i am using k-9 and it works, only thing missing is that before answering an email with the correct outgoing address, i have to setup that address on the client first, thats not automatically, i’ve heared other clients exist that can answer directly using the from-address for which an email was sent to. another issue with my concept is, that setting up each emailaddress at the server IS work (same with moving already existing accounts to new aliaseses). i currently have a ‘tables’ app table on nextcloud that i can manage from my cellphone and a cronjob checks database for changes and adjusts postfix virtual_alias_maps table on the mx, so that i have a ui to do so easily when not at home, that comes in handy whenever someone asks me for my email address. another concept (that i never did) was just having some email addresses ready to use at hand, so i dont have to set them up when not having access to the server. however having separate emails per portal, shop newsletter a.s.o. also documented where i have accumulated accounts over the decades (and that were a lot)
there is one thing i came up with quite late, the email address that i use to login to my server and also the address that fetchmail uses to place emails into the imap store should not be reachable from the internet as it would be more work to change it on arrival of spam. in your setup this might be the “main” address of that emailservices account, on my setup its the address of the local users mailbox. however as postfix uses that address in the value part of virtual_alias_maps table, it needs to know the address and its also in virtual_mailbox_maps table thus reachable from the internet. in my new setup it is also an address like <internalaccountname>-<randomnumber>@domain.tld so it is not guessable by spambots and changeable of course too.
when the server is at home you can login to it with k-9 when at home for sure. but for connecting from abroad you need some sort of connection like using or such which also could be a proxy like cloudflare from cellphone perspectice but that would not work like i do it because in my setup where i terminate one protocols ssl at the haproxy (which would do what imho roughly cloudflare would to) the connection to my homeserver is then without encryption which is ok for me as its through “my” vpn, but with cloudflare i guess thats rather not possible as you said as the protocol is not even http. haproxy instead can just terminate ssl and proxy raw tcp then, so that even ssh could go through haproxy to the local machine so that no extra port is needed to be open (thats actually one of my backup strategies to gain ssh access to the VM when other connections become somehow impossible. i also use knockd and a selfmade https based mechanism to open the ssh port for my current ip just in case.
something like has advantages, you would not have to use vpn on the cellphone, but ip changes make you connect to third party IPs regulary and also your home network would have at least one extra port open to the world which i would rather like to prevent - if not for security, then at least for less logs caused by scanners. i prefere the stealth mode of openvpn/udp using that extra ta key, but using port 443 (which also is very likely to be accessible from most networks that want to restrict their users available protocols) to pipe things through haproxy is imho the second-best stealth available, also just random https scans without correct domains can be blocked before the ssl connection even starts only using the sni value.
if you have a VM in a datacenter i’ld suggest to use that as a vpn, make your homeserver login to it and your cellphone doesn’t need a vpn then. sometimes has offers for small VMs for just 1€ / month for new customers, it is also limited to the first year, but a pretty good offer anyway and really not too much for just experimenting a bit.
for the 15gb limit it would be sufficient to just get a VM with enough space (in a datacenter or at home, maybe a rapsberry pi) and run an imap , an mta and something to fetch the mails from google so that they are archived and dont fill in the limited space. i think if i were you, i would begin with just that cz that is the annoying thing and it is always possible to change the setup as wished once it is under your control.
i personally would not want to use mailcow but dovecot, postfix and fetchmail directly. fetchmail gets the mails from google and places it into dovecots imap storage while postfix would be used to send mails through google to the outside world using your google credentials. then you’ld have google as the external service to begin with and your server to actually host the emails and configure the phones to send emails through it or directly through google but just get the emails from it and save sent mails there. later you could add another nongoogly service so that fetchmail gets these emails too and just extend the setup.
if you have that, you can send/receive emails when you are at home.
but before downloading (moving) the first mails from the google storage to there i would ensure that an (incremental) backup is already running well and automatically just in case of disk failures.
But it was insecure in that you can easily go find my IP address and my real address. I don’t want that, don’t really mind if someone knows it, but I don’t want to be spearphished.
i have pretty good experience with giving every contact a separate email alias under my domain to communicate with me. my email aliases usually are like <contactshortname>-<randomnumber>@mydomain.tld
that is for a newsletter from it would look like coolpage-61514@mydomain.tld
it is near to impossible to guess that random number so i get nearly no emails from other than my real contacts cz only they know a valid address. that alias is only used for this one thing, a contact, a shop even a friend (or group of friends). mails go all into the same inbox but when i receive spam or phishing on it, i 1. know who has leaked my data and 2. i can change the alias to a new number, delete the old alias and thus stop any future spam on that address. this way i have no extra spam filters but also near to no spam.
However your ip address can be found in any email you send in the received headers. is that what you want to prevent, or just the public ip when running an internet facing mailserver with mx records pointing to it ? with ip changes beeing a thing i guess you tried to run the mailserver behind your home internet connection, nonstatic ips are bad for email, you could get a ipv6 tunnel from hurricane electric (still free?) then have static ipv6 addresses, but google afair does not allow you to send them emails via ipv6 and thus i blocked them so they cannot send me emails via ipv6 too, so i think communicating to google victims might be a problem due to google lacking behind current tech. so your idea to use a third party service fits perfectly if you dont want to run your own public mailserver. do you have a vpn to your home network to use the homeserver from remote?
thanks for your opinion.
i already have my own mailservers running for roughly two decades now so copy-paste is not what i am looking for.
i ordered that email book and mastering dnssec from him now as i am a bit curious about some topics within the email book and want to dive into dnssec now cz i also host dns for my domains and improvement is always good ;) last time i started with dnssec i got distracted and that was it.
have you read it? i considered buying it a while ago but was unsure, quite high price for an ebook that you cannot glimpse into (like with real books at the store some time ago) i thought. Also i learned a “bit” about most of its topics myself long ago.
tricky yes, but very learnable too.
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maybe multiple mail clients are configured to connect to a local server in an office while that server is configured to outside world and also fetches each mail only once. changing of outisde world provider then does not make you reconfigure all mail clients, but only your central once.
i guess step by step was asked for on purpose, but i also don’t know on what level ;-)
i’ld suggest as step by step to start small and increase to what you want:
spf,dkim and dmarc are good to prevent malicious parties from sending emails in your name to third parties. a mail server works good without that but it is a good practice and might prevent your domain (not your ip) from beeing blacklisted because of spam that you haven’t sent but seems to originate from your domain and cannot be distinguished from your genuine emails only due to the lack of missing spf, dkim and dmarc records. spf and dmarc are dns only settings while dkim are crypto keys you create for signing outgoing emails and the public parts of them are published as dns records again so everyone can check that the signature really comes from your domain. i dont know if or how mailcow supports dkim, but it should be at least possible ;-)
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hm, sounds like literally any regular webhosting service that also offers email (like every such service i know of) to me, then maybe used together with imap (or pop, if you wish), and if you want to connect servers with it to send mails, then “smarthost” or “sattelite system” should be the configuration you are looking for for your own MTA. to get received emails from that service most common is to use pop3 (still common because seemingly every service offers it for compatibility) but other protocols would be faster like immediate recieve using notify within imap, and there are other options too, but those depends on what that service offers like maybe sending your mails once received by them to your own server via smtp or by other protocols depending on what they implemented. i think there is no “twist” with that and -what i understand of what you want - is a quite common thing.
i for myself don’t want 3rd parties to be able to directly read my emails so i run my own mail server as tiny rented VMs from providers while my real emailserver is my homeserver that uses these VMs as “smarthost” and also pulls emails from there immediately. my mailclients are configured to connect to those VMs butbthat connection is relayed through VPN to my homeserver. thus i think my setup is a bit like what you want but i host everything by myself and i don’t use mailcow but it looks like i use the same software mailcow uses too. i guess you are mainly bound to what mailcow offers when limiting yourself to it ;-)
they get even more revenue from other peoples contributions.
thats the whole point not more, not less.
so there is no point for “you” to pay them anything.
did you as a “premium customer” thought to be “the customer”? really? remember how little you personally pay for the service. it is mainly the ad companies who are youtubes “customers”. when you pay them for something, you only increase yt’s revenue, not more, not less, but you are not “the customer”, you are the product ;-)
but maybe only for emails from outside, not for emails from within protonmail? haven’t read any specs of protonmail yet…
well for e2ee you obviously have to let one e encrypt the data for the other e. (good luck with newsletters then) for usual services kindly asking them to support either s/mime or gpg for outgoing emails, that would at least make them know the wish, but good luck there too.
i think the already mentioned solution with encrypting incoming messages on your side just before mda to your inbox should be the closest possible to what op wants. one would need to check if the message is already encrypted and skip encryption for those.
if you only want the admin of that email (imap) server to not be able to read all emails, maybe placing a separate encrypting server (smtp+encrypt+forward) inbetween outside world and your email imap server could be a solution.
one should have a look into the logfiles too as some mailers might log message subjects and of course sender/recipients along with ip adresses of incoming/outgoing servers which the op might not want to be readable as well (i dont know protonmail that much)
also gpg IMHO allows for sign-then-encrypt hiding the signature within the encrypted data which could be wanted. also one might want to look exactly what parts of the messages contents and its headers are encrypted or plaintext on the server before feeling safe from the threat one wants to be protected from.
but then the admin can still read the mail while it arrives ;-)
maybe there was a mixup of individual datapoints and individual persons.
lets see if that could fit.
as far as i read things in this thread, the whole security is based on exactly these datapoints: Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN (three datapoints) plus username and password for 3 sites (six datapoints) makes 3+6= 9 datapoints per person.
2.9 billion (us) should be 2.900.000.000 (correct me if i’m wrong, but where i live one “billion” is actually “” thus a “bit” more)
divided by 9 those 2.9billion would be ~ 320 million.
on wikipedia they say the us had 331 million people in 2020…
that would fit like an ass on a bucket! lol just to mention that.
have a nice day!
a public room is public. anyone could and should be able to enter it at any moment start recording and uploading everything to $terrorist@/or$three-letter-agency or such. The idea that someone else could also get the same already public data later is not threatening, as that data is already considered public as in “everyone in the world could have it a second after the data came into existance”. and also as removing from the public is not considered possible, uploading that already intentionally published data again does not pose a greater threat than its first publication, but uses just a bit of bandwidth, not more. if you are very sensitive about visibility of who you talk with, maybe don’t enter “public” rooms in the first place.
if you join a private room, you already want to share with the other participants that you are f***ing talking to them, including when and who you exactly encrypted the data for, when, and to which servers they have to be forwarded. i expect the server of all participants to forward messages to the recipients. for this the server needs to know this type of information. Of course awareness, which data is used to make i.e. routing decisions is a good thing, but a “nightmare” would be teams zoom icq, whatsapp and similar. i am sure that messengers exist that could be less traceable for participants, but full anonymity to who you are communicating with so that even the servers know nothing about what happens in a room is imho not even a goal of matrix for the future.
Not a “nightmare”, but what a nightmare it must be to find out that a system that looked so promising did not fulfill “every” dreamexpectation one had with options that are even the opposite of ones dreamexpectation like “public rooms”. that are meant to be public! how horrible!!!(lol)
by the way -as it seems possibly noteworthy here - if you exchange emails with someones @gmail address, then google has all of your mail histories metadata, as well as the server of your provider has. just to mention, do not send emails to if you dislike google knowing about it. and if you share a document with edit history, then the edit history is likely also shared ;-) As “rooms” in matrix are meant to have a state that changes from the beginning sometimes possibly with every message and one can answer to a message which would reveal the existance of that message later when answered on, including at least a hint of what it was about, such information is imho meant to to be rather complete than hidden. maybe 1:1 chat solves this issue for you, as every chat with a new other person would start empty.
i might be wrong, but matrix already is one of the most robust systems when it comes to “compromised servers”. so very far away from a nightmare. that is unless you are either a true criminal bastard or a true world saving hero, then every leaked byte might be the deadly one, that is true.
So in case you are a true world saving hero: Maybe use a self build raspberry pi mesh proxy chain mounted on rooftops delivered by drones at night to proxy the signal of an in-memory-only-tasks-raspi to a free wifi, where the raspi that has its orders is using battery (like the rooftop proxy chain) but is hidden in a public transport to reach the proxy mesh by the transportations timetable. just to give a paranoic one some ideas and some work to do ;-) If you’ve build everything, then upload the code to github and designs to thingiverse so that “anyone” could have placed the proxy mesh to a free wifi on the rooftops, so you be more secure from beeing suspected ;-) lol btw a mesh system to accomplish this already exists, i think they named it b.a.t.m.a.n. (no joke) protocol, so the main struggle should be handling of solar power vs wifi signal strength, distances, humidity and windproof mount design beeing able to be deployed by manually controlled quadrocopters. good luck!
anyone remember the time when google removed(!) their internal “don’t be evil” rule? guess this is part of the outcome of that “be evil” that came along with removal of the opposite. Abuse of this mechanism is IMHO veery predictable ;-)
There are plenty of google-free cellphones, one could easily stick to better products of better companies. help yourself, google’s not gonna do that for you within the next 5billion* years as they IMHO already stated they “want” to be evil now, always remember that ;-)
*) thats round about when our sun expands too much for earth, so i currently dislike doing any predictions beyond that point ;-) i do not predict google would last that long, only that they’ll keep beeing evil until their end.
I think its called a data lake, so they don’t “store” it, its rather floating around there 🤪