• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • make it so that every user owns their data collected by this and its all encrypted with some key private to that user. Then have only t he user be able to share the data with others. Or rather dont collect it all to some central database but have everyone make their own for private use.

    But I dont think this is very good idea in the first place. What use is it to regular people to track others licenceplates? Who do you share the information with, the government? In usa they would just gleefully abuse it, in eu using it would just be horribly difficult for everyone involved due to legal issues and having private database about other peoples information isnt allowed or it requires somekind of registration i think, or was that only in finland.? In fact this might be outright illegal system in eu. Other places likely have superior database already.

    And in the end, the whole thing will likely just be taken from you by force if nothing else works. Maybe some corporation will buy you out or maybe government will just seize it. No way they would just ignore something like this if it has any use to them.

    So please be really careful how you do this so you dont end up making things worse for everyone by mistake. At least have some safeguards so you can destroy the whole thing if you need to so it cant be abused if anyone trys to take it from you.

    Its nice idea, being able to track stuff independently, but i think it might belongs to some different, more friendly world, that is not this awful place we have to live in.

  • even if it was completely safe now, it will change in the fututure. Corporations just cant keep their hands to themselves and will saw any branch for short term profit because they will never get any REAL consequences for anything. Before long it would start connecting to internet to “better classify” the images by uploading everything to some server. Likely it will expand to every file eventually so it can “protect” you from whatever their spindoctors come up with.

  • unfortunately tracker control cant be on while rethink is on or vice versa. I have also noticed that you shouldnt trust the system to block anything. Even if you forbid datausage for something, its not trruly blocked. Also google cant be blocked by system at all, but rethink can do that too, though then you need to manage the settings every time you want to use google’s services but it doesnt seem to cause any awful problems in general. That program is one of the best things i have found for a while.

  • that is exactly what i was looking for, thank you.

    Though now i dont feel comfortable giving it so much control over my phone. Though since code is open source I hope someone has looked it through. I tried taking a look myself but i wouldnt know what to look for.

    It also seems to be also unmaintained or it just doesnt need updates, as last change to github was 4 years ago. Too bad there doesnt seem to be almost any other programs like that, only other i found was something called safe-dot which is equally old. Based on issues listed in github page it might not work 100% reliably. It seemed to work when i tested it, but according to the issues it might not work if system itself is using something which kind of defeats the purpose.

    I also noticed that for some reason it didnt appear on rethink’s application list so i couldnt see what it was doing with network. According to system it used 8kb worth data in backround even though it doesnt seem to have anything that should require internet, unless pushnotifications do that, but still that seemed a bit odd for program that shouldnt use internet.