Switch to jellyfin, it’s really at the point where it’s ready for everyone
Switch to jellyfin, it’s really at the point where it’s ready for everyone
Do you have any experience installing only office?
I’ve tried installing it many times over the past decade with only one successful attempt about a decade ago.
Every few years I try to install it again and fail
I’m trying to install it now but again, nothing. I’ve tried installing it using the official scripts which wreck the operating system. Dame for using the official debs.
So I tried using the docker version and that just doesn’t do anything at all. I try opening the page on the right port and it connects and disconnects immediately.
I’ve used only office and it’s awesome. However, nothing is as hard to install as onlyofffice
Yeah I’m sorry, but when I know you’re religious, any religion, I’ll think less of you. I won’t treat you any different, hell, I will go out of my way to try and show respect for your dumbass skydaddy beliefs, but yeah, I’ll think less of you because frankly, you are. You’re stuck with the mindset of a 5 year old
Yikes, talking about hitting AND completely missing the point
I want your blessings all over my face
Are they still married?
These types typically call it quits quickly
God was there
In the corner
Quietly jerking off
Then cumming over the two of them
God is a kinky dude, I like him.
Isn’t it open source? If so it should be near trivial to get rid of all of that.
If it’s closed source I wouldn’t touch it with a tej foot pole, it’s the same reason I rarely use chat gpt, it’s just freely giving away your personal data to open AI.
What would be a good open source option with these features?
closed source
And I noped out right away, especially if it has to run on my servers
Just out of curiosity, what country would use Facebook for government announcements? That is fucking wild
So Proton is out.
Sorry, I won’t trust a service that licks fascist boots.
Oohh, that sweet sweet time when Victoria was doing the AMAs, it was amazing…
I still can’t believe they just dumped her, she was fucking awesome and got awesome people to the AMAs. Truly a celeb amongst many and I don’t even know what she looks like, or where she was from. Just “Victoria”
Oh yeah, they are indeed struggling to make ends meet which is exactly why they’re doing this because THIS is what makes them money. Outrage sells so if they have to sell trump, they sell trump.
Is it cynical? I’m sure it is, it’s also what it is
Yeah, all his campaign promises and bow he’s working on Renaming the Gulf of Mexico because reasons and he’s prepping to invade Greenland, apparently.
They’ve been doing that non-stop for the past decade and made millions over millions from that
Do you really believe they’d stop today?
Guess I’ll have to follow suit, because I’d love to switch to graphene OS
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